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New ideas for the Maude Street Mall - Wendy Crow Presentation

Greater Shepparton City Council invites you to a public presentation by Wendy Crow, on her alternative vision for the development of the Maude Street Mall.

Friday 6th of January, 2017, at 11:30am to 12:30pm
189 Maude Street Shepparton - Old Valley Booksellers Store

Greater Shepparton City Council encourages all interested parties to put forward alternative ideas and concepts for the Maude Street Mall. CLICK HERE to comment and review the activation concepts.


In February 2014 Council resolved to postpone further consideration of the reopening of the Maude Street Mall to traffic and instructed Council officers to explore the viability of both activating and improving the amenity of the Maude Street Mall.

Activating the Mall aims to drive increased foot traffic by giving people additional reasons to visit and stay in the area, increasing the likelihood of visitors undertaking shopping and spend their money.

To explore activation ideas a budget of $350,000 was allocated by Council.

Aware of the decision to activate the Mall, Spiire (local multidisciplinary urban design company), took the initiative to present Council with a series of vibrant and exciting concepts presenting new and different reasons to visit, stay and play in the Mall.

Spiire do not have a position on whether the Mall should remain closed or be open to traffic, the activation ideas are just a way to increase visitation and movement sooner rather than later. These ideas could be introduced with a range of other activities or strategies to revitalise the Mall.

The Spiire concepts are a starting point to get ideas of what can be done to revitalise the Mall. If you have any different ideas we want to hear about them too.

So please take the time to tell us what you think about these concepts and share any ideas you may have.


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