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SAM Presents: Life Drawing with Frances Cannon

Join internationally-exhibited artist Frances Cannon for this exclusive, after-hours life drawing class inspired by the bodies of Ryan McGinley: YEARBOOK.

Thursday 20th of June, 2024, at 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Level 1, Shepparton Art Museum. 530 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630
$66 (inc GST)
Shepparton Art Museum on 0348045000 or

Under Cannon’s guidance, attendees will capture the poses of a life model using variety of mediums, from crayon to charcoal, over the 90 minute session.

No sketching or life drawing experience needed – don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn from a much-loved artist whist experiencing SAM after dark.

Please note: This is a life drawing class with a nude life model. Attendees must be aged 16 years and over. Photography by non-SAM Staff will not be permitted. This is an after-hours event. After-hours access to the museum before or after this program is not available.


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