Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 26 June, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Balaclava / Verney Rd intersection Update 26 June 2019

Council coordinates traffic management plan with contractors and Regional Roads Victoria to commence the intersection upgrades.

Construction Contract - Traffic Management Plans

Council and Jarvis Delahey Contractors have recently met with Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) to discuss the traffic management plans for the Balaclava / Verney Road intersection upgrade. 

During this meeting it was addressed additional RRV works would be occurring at the Doyles Road roundabout, therefore Council and RRV are currently working together to create a traffic management plan for both of the projects to allow for minimal disruptions to road users during the works.   Council will provide further updates on the construction staging once plans are completed. 

Gas Main Relocation – 1 July to 12 July 2019

Council has been working with the gas service authority to confirm scheduling in line with the school holidays of the two gas main relocations across Verney Road and Hawdon Street.  It has now been confirmed that these works will commence Monday 1 July 2019.   This work is anticipated to take approximately two weeks; however, Council is hopeful that it will be completed earlier.

Please note that during these works the south end of the Verney / Balaclava Road roundabout will be closed.  Balaclava Road traffic utilising the roundabout will only be able to travel east or north.  Traffic from New Dookie Road and Hawdon Street will not be able to access the roundabout and will need to follow detour signs. Verney road traffic travelling south will only be able to turn east onto New Dookie road.  Please refer to the plan attached to this update for more information.

Water Main Replacement Works

The Tender for the remaining water main replacement works is now closed. These works were required as the result of the inclusion of indented parking on Balaclava and New Dookie Roads. 

Council is currently in the process of evaluating submissions in accordance with its policies and procedures.

 For further information please contact the project management team on 5832 9700 or visit the project page on Council's website and subscribe to updates. 


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