Environmental Health Team Leader Lisa Eade said Council is taking every precaution to ensure we comply with the restrictions on gatherings at all times. “If a baby or child is being immunised this includes the nurses, one adult, and of course the child,” said Ms Eade. “Please do not bring other family or carers to the session.”
“We also cannot see anyone who does not have an appointment. If you arrive without a booking you will not be seen. Your understanding would be very much appreciated.”
“We place the highest importance on the health of our community and our staff and we need to follow the instructions provided by Federal and State governments,” she said. “It is critical that we follow the restrictions on gatherings and look after the vulnerable and compromised in our community.”
If you are unwell (have a fever, cough and shortness of breath), have travelled overseas in the last 14 days or have been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, please do not attend a session. Please contact Council to re-schedule your booking.
In addition, immunisations are not being held at the following locations:
- Dookie
- Katandra West
- Leslie Gribble Children’s Centre
- Lulla’s Children’s Centre
- Merrigum
- Murchison
- Patricia Smith Children’s Centre
- Tallygaroopna
If you usually attend one of these facilities you will now need to make an appointment for the following facilities:
- Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre
- Mooroopna Hub
- Riverside Plaza
- Tatura Senior Citizens Centre
Flu vaccinations are not available at our sessions at this time, we will provide further information when the vaccine is available.
More information on Immunisation Services can be found on the website greatershepparton.com.au or contact Council’s Customer Service team on 5832 9700.