Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 21 March, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Challenge Shepparton Announcement

Tradition of Shepparton long course triathlon to continue!



It is with much excitement the City of Greater Shepparton announces today that Shepparton will host a new long course triathlon event in 2014 as part of the Challenge Family global series. 

A newly formed partnership between McPherson Media Group, Challenge Family, SuperSprint and Greater Shepparton City Council will see a 1.9km swim, 90km ride and 21.1km run triathlon being held on November 16, 2014.

The race will build on Shepparton tradition, but will offer a completely new course, with the event being held at the iconic Victoria Park Lake, Shepparton.

Organisers promise it will deliver the same outstanding experience for triathletes that has made Shepparton one of the leading stops in the national calendar.

There are now 27 Challenge Family races around the world in 15 countries, including the world's largest long distance triathlon, the iconic Challenge Roth in Germany, and five races are across Australia.

"Through the endeavours of the McPherson Media Group, with support from Council, it is exciting to announce that not only will a long course race continue to be offered in Shepparton, but it will be held in a brand new location," explains Mayor Jenny Houlihan. "Finally competitors will have the opportunity to race in and around our beautiful iconic Victoria Park Lake."

McPherson Media Group and Council recognise the magnitude and importance of such an event to the Shepparton community, and this newly formed partnership is a positive step in securing the long-term future of a long course race in Shepparton.

"When we heard the Shepparton Triathlon Club was unable to stage an event this year we at the Shepparton News knew we had to do what we could to help secure the 2014 event", explains McPherson Media CEO, Damian Trezise.

"The event will be called ‘Challenge Shepparton' and will move to an exciting new home starting at Victoria Park Lake for its main 113km long course event."

"We're really pleased the new event has been accepted into the Challenge Family global series. We're working with Council and SuperSprint, the professional race organiser behind the sell-out Challenge Melbourne race, to deliver a first-rate race that everyone expects in Shepparton. We will work with local athletes and businesses keen to help the Shepparton tradition of running successful triathlon events", explains Mr Trezise.

Mayor Jenny Houlihan further reinforces the new venture's commitment to the community. "We commend the business sector and community organisations in their show of support in exploring alternative options in order for Greater Shepparton to retain a sporting event that contributes significantly to our community, both economically and socially. We, the event partners, will also continue to financially support all the local clubs and charities who supply the vital 500-strong army of volunteers for the weekend of the race."

The prospect of the new long course race has been embraced by the Shepparton community.

CEO of the Committee for Shepparton, Matt Nelson, says: "This is Shepparton at its best. We took a knock when we heard the triathlon couldn't continue and we've got back up. The business and wider community has stepped up, yet again."

"This is a truly great event for our city which generates significant economic activity and adds to our reputation as a premier events destination. I congratulate McPherson Media, Council and Challenge Family for seizing this opportunity."

Council is looking forward to working with McPherson Media Group, the Challenge Family global series and our community in making this event a great success and a fantastic experience for the competitors.

Online entries for the event open at 1pm today at

Any media enquiries can be directed to:

Mr Kelvin Maude
McPherson Media Group
P: 0411 238 319


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