Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 24 February, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Clean up Australia Day

Greater Shepparton City Council in partnership with the Shepparton Mooroopna Urban Landcare Group are encouraging residents to get involved in Clean up Australia Day on Sunday 2 March.

Simple actions can make a huge difference to our environment - like cleaning up your local area. For more than 20 years hundreds of thousands of Australians have got together every year to protect the health of our environment. 

Greater Shepparton City Council’s RiverConnect Education Officer Bonny Schnorrenberg said we need to look after our river and wetland environments and fully appreciate these valuable assets. “The public needs to be aware that the costs of cleaning up our rivers and bushland are not just measured in dollar terms, but the damage to the environment is often irreversible,” Ms Schnorrenberg said.

Community members are encouraged to come along and spend a few hours contributing to the beautification of our local river environment. So grab your gloves, hat and drink bottle and help protect our rivers and bushland.

For more information, to find a site locally or to register your own site visit or ring Clean Up Australia on 1800 282 329. 

Volunteer at the Shepparton Weir, Rudd Road Shepparton. Meet at the gates of the Shepparton Cemetery, Rudd Road to register.

Time: 10am –12 midday

Bring: Gloves and a drink. BBQ Lunch will be provided


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