Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 30 August, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Community satisfaction with Council on the rise

Greater Shepparton City Council has released the results of the Community Satisfaction Survey 2017/2018 showing an increase in overall satisfaction with Council compared to previous years.

Within the last 12 months Greater Shepparton City Council has seen an average of an eight point increase in performance on all of core measures including Overall Performance, Community Consultation, Advocacy, Making Community Decisions, Customer Service, Sealed Local Roads and Overall Council Direction. The index scores are out of 100. 

Each year Local Government Victoria (LGV) co-ordinates and auspices the state-wide Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey on behalf of Victorian Councils, with the 2018 results just released.

The main objectives of the survey are to assess the performance of Victorian councils across a range of measures and to seek insight into ways to provide improved or more effective service delivery. The survey measures how the community believes Council is performing on a range of measures set by LGV. The survey also provides councils with a means to fulfil some of their statutory reporting requirements as well as acting as a feedback mechanism to LGV.

This year Greater Shepparton City Council engaged Thinkfield to conduct the Community Satisfaction Survey. Thinkfield used Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) as a representative random probability survey of residents aged 18+ years in the Greater Shepparton municipality.

The benefits for the surveys beings conducted by Thinkfield was that a total of 500 Greater Shepparton residents completed interviews with the survey fieldwork being conducted quarterly in September 2017, December 2017, March 2018 and June 2018. Each quarter 125 residents completed interviews. In previous years interviews were conducted with 400 Greater Shepparton residents at one point during the year. This change has allowed more accurate results.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Corporate Services Chris Teitzel said the results of the survey are very pleasing but also pinpoint some areas for further improvement. “The most impressive result is an increase in Overall Council Direction of 20 points in two years,” he said. “We have also seen an increase of 11 points in two years in Customer Service and 13 points in two years in Overall Performance.”

“The increase in Sealed Local Roads on 15 points since last year is also logical. This time last year residents were dealing with the inconvenience of three major roadwork projects at once, with Welsford Street, Old Dookie Road and Verney Road all being upgraded.”

“I think we are seeing a more accurate picture of community sentiment with this survey. Previous years’ surveys interviewed a total of 400 residents once a year but moving to quarterly surveys and interviewing more residents has provided a much more realistic result,” he said.

“We will continue to survey residents quarterly and will increase the number of surveys in the 2018/2019 year to 800 (200 each quarter) instead of 500. We will also release the results quarterly so that councillors and the community can see how we are tracking.”

Survey Results

  2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Overall Performance 62 52 49 57 58 51 55
Community Consultation 57 53 51 58 59 55 56
Advocacy 59 51 49 56 62 54 55
Making Community Decisions 54 49 46 56 56 0 0
Customer Service 71 66 60 69 72 70 68
Sealed Local Roads 55 40 48 49 0 0 0
Overall Council Direction 64 53 44 54 59 51 51
  • Sealed Local Roads has experienced the largest increase up 15 points in index points from 2017 which can be attributed to the good condition of our roads.
  • Overall Council Direction has improved a further 11 points.
  • Overall Performance is rated 10 points higher than last year and Customer Service saw an increase of 5 index points.
  • Those in the community that rated Council more favourably were those aged between 18-34 years and 65 years and older, while those aged 35-49 and 50-64 years rated Council least favourably.
  • Those most satisfied with Council Direction are aged 65+ years with the least satisfied being 50-64 years.
  • More than half (57%) of residents surveyed have contacted Council in the past 12 months. Those who had the most contact with Council were aged between 35-49 years and those aged between 18-34 years the least likely to have contacted Council.

In comparing performance against other regional centres and the state-wide average GSCC’s overall performance (62) in 2018 is now higher than the average rating for Councils state-wide and for regional centres (average index scores of 58 and 59 respectively).

  GSCC Regional Centres State-Wide
Overall Performance 62 59 58
Community Consultation 57 55 55
Advocacy 59 54 54
Making Community Decisions 54 54 52
Customer Service 71 70 72
Sealed Local Roads 55 53 54
Overall Council Direction 64 52 53

In averaging out the performance measures GSCC scored an average of 60 points across all seven measures in comparison to 57 points scored both by other regional centres and as the State-wide average.

  • Greater Shepparton City Council on Overall Council Direction was 12 points higher than Regional Centres and 11 points higher than the State-wide average.
  • Greater Shepparton City Council also scored higher than regional centres and State-wide on Overall Performance, Community Consultation, Advocacy and Sealed Local Roads.
  • Making Community Decisions was higher than State-wide but the same as the Regional Centres.
  • Customer Service was higher than Regional Centres but lower than State-wide.



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