Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 6 July, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

CONGRATULATIONS to Shepparton's Merinda Dryden, Ms NAIDOC 2016

This evening at State Parliament House, Greater Shepparton Mayor Cr Dinny Adem had the pleasure of celebrating with Shepparton born Merinda Dryden, who has been crowned Victoria's Ms NAIDOC 2016.

Mr and Miss NAIDOC is dedicated to acknowledging young people and their knowledge and contributions to participation and leadership in their respective communities.

The roles award winners take on allow recipients to grow and inspire other young people, tell their story (journey), raise issues about their local communities, promote NAIDOC’s values, network with community and other stakeholders and showcase their leadership skills.

Miss NAIDOC 2016, Merinda Dryden and Mr NAIDOC 2016, Jordan Kamara Edwards: Photography by Moorina Bonini.

The combined Mr and Miss NAIDOC and NAIDOC Patron Awards Ceremony is the first event on the Victorian NAIDOC Week calendar. The Award winners are expected to attend and/or speak at all Official Vic NAIDOC Week Events as part of their professional leadership development experience. Winners are also invited to attend and speak at several other NAIDOC events.

CLICK HERE for NAIDOC WEEK events across Greater Shepparton. 

CLICK HERE for more Victoria NAIDOC Week events and information. 


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