Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 19 October, 2023. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council adopts Positive Ageing Strategy

The Greater Shepparton Positive Ageing Strategy 2023-2027 was adopted at Greater Shepparton City Council’s October Meeting, as a way to support the needs and aspirations of older residents within the region.

The Positive Ageing Strategy (the Strategy) is an action within the Council Plan 2021-2025, with Council committing to its development as a way to support older residents, their carers and families across Greater Shepparton.

A total of 25 per cent of Greater Shepparton’s population are recognised as older people, with 16 per cent needing help in their day-to-day lives due to disability.

In developing the Strategy, Council undertook community engagement over an eight week period from February to March 2023, with the purpose of engaging with residents, peak bodies, and health and service providers to better understand the views, issues and opportunities related to ageing well in Greater Shepparton.

The consultation informed the development of four themes which guide the Strategy, including

  • Information and Communication
  • Social Connections
  • Activities and Services
  • Outdoor Spaces and Built Environment, and Safety

To further support the implementation of the Strategy, the themes are being developed into specific actions and timelines for completion.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said Council was pleased to adopt this important document as a key strategic framework for Council to support older residents.

“The development of the Positive Ageing Strategy provides an opportunity to increase connectivity and focus on older residents within Greater Shepparton,” he said.

“The Strategy has been developed as part of an integrated framework of Council plans and strategies which aim to support older residents, their carers and families across the region. It recognises the role all levels of government, the health sector, not-for-profits, and service providers play in driving positive ageing actions.”

Council’s Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC) played an important role in the development of the Strategy, providing a platform where representatives could provide advice to Council on opportunities and challenges faced by older residents.

Positive Ageing Advisory Committee Councillor Representative and Deputy Mayor, Cr Anthony Brophy, said Council will now work with the PAAC and other internal and external partners to develop an implementation plan which will support the delivery of the Strategy actions.

“A big thank you to the Positive Ageing Advisory Committee members who had an important role to play in seeing this Strategy come to life. We now look forward to seeing the positive changes it brings for our older residents,” he said.

“Council will continue to review the Strategy and consider any budget changes, priorities, resourcing and opportunities which should be taken into account over the next five years.”

You can download the Greater Shepparton Positive Ageing Strategy 2023-2027 at the link below.

To receive updates from Council about Positive Ageing, including the annual Seniors Festival, subscribe to be added to the distribution list here or email



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