Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 4 July, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council improves outdoor accessibility options

Greater Shepparton City Council is improving accessibility options around the municipality with a number of initiatives including accessible seating outside the library in Marungi Street.

Following concerns raised from an elderly member of the community, a concrete base was installed flush with the footpath level outside the library so that those with limited mobility can access the seating.

A new drinking fountain was also installed outside the library at a height suitable for people using a wheelchair and includes an animal drinking bowl which can be refilled from a tap. The tap can also be used for topping up drinking bottles.

The five new fountains provided under the Municipal Health & Well Being Plan 2009 - 2013 funding are all red to ensure contrast to allow them to be seen by people with impaired vision. These have been installed at Vibert Reserve, Jackson’s Park, Ducat Reserve, Monash Gardens and the Shepparton library.

The new fountains were made in Shepparton by Furphy’s Foundry. They are also surrounded by a concrete base to make them easy to access for those with mobility aids or in wheelchairs and are close to the designated accessible parking bays.

In another initiative Council staff have just completed a project on developing a parking map for the CBD in Shepparton.  A copy of the map can be found at or from the Council offices in Welsford Street.


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