Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 31 January, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council seeking feedback on rating strategy

Greater Shepparton City Council is about to commence its annual rating strategy review and is seeking ratepayer feedback on the fairest and most equitable way to share the rates burden.

Director Corporate Services Chris Teitzel said “We have done a review of the Strategy to ensure the equitable distribution of rates continues in accordance with the Local Government Act and Ministerial Guidelines.”

“We have come up with an option which we believe makes Council’s rating strategy easier to understand and simpler to administer and we are inviting ratepayers to provide their comments,” said Mr Teitzel.

Ratepayers can provide feedback at information sessions on Thursday 15 February or online or by making an appointment with the Manager Finance and Rates.

The information sessions on 15 February are arranged to provide relevant information to specific ratepayer groups. Bookings are not required, just turn up at the Welsford Street offices at the relevant time for your group.

  • Residential ratepayers – 9am to 10am
  • Farm ratepayers – 11am to 12pm
  • Commercial/Industrial ratepayers – 3pm to 4pm

For more information please visit our feedback page or call 5832 9700.


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