Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 12 February, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

COVID-19 UPDATE - 12 February 2021

From 11:59pm tonight, 12 February, until 11:59pm on Wednesday, 17 February the whole of Victoria will move to circuit-breaker action.

That means there will be four reasons to leave your home: shopping for the things you need, care and caregiving, exercise and work, if it is essential.

Exercise and shopping will be limited to five kilometres from your home. If there’s no shops in your five-kilometre radius, you’ll be able to travel to the ones closest to you.

Face masks will need to be worn indoors and outdoors – whenever you leave home.

You won’t be able to have visitors to your home. And any public gatherings won’t be able to go ahead.

For school students, that means learning from home, unless they need onsite supervision as the children of essential workers. Unis and TAFEs will close or move to remote learning. Childcare and kinders will remain open.

Gyms, pools, community centres, entertainment venues and libraries will all need to close.

And as with Stage 4 restrictions, all non-essential retail will close, but essential stores like supermarkets, bottle shops and pharmacies will remain open. Cafes and restaurants will only be able to offer take-away.

Hotel and accommodation providers will be able to stay open to support guests already staying onsite. No new bookings can be made.

Funerals will be able to go ahead with up to ten people. Weddings will need to be postponed.

For a list of all the restrictions and essential services/workers, see below or download the PDF from the bottom of this page.

List of restrictions

Social gatherings, leaving home and visitors

  • Stay at home unless:
    • Shopping for necessary goods and services (one person per household, once per day, a support person can accompany
      if required)
    • Caregiving or compassionate reasons
    • Essential work or permitted education
    • Exercise (can leave for two hours of exercise)
    • Other specified reasons (specific exemptions apply)
  • Intrastate travel: travel limit of 5km from place of primary residence
  • Face coverings:
    • Must be carried at all times
    • Must be worn indoors and outdoors except if at home, or if an exemption applies
  • Private gatherings: Not permitted. Intimate partner visits are allowed.
  • Public gatherings: Not permitted (two people for exercise, or members of your household)
  • Work: If you can work from home, you must work from home
  • Essential workers and workplaces defined in the PDF available for download below.

Education and childcare

  • Early learning centres, childcare, family day care: Open
  • School: Schools closed but open for vulnerable children and the children of essential workers
  • Higher education and training: Closed, remote learning only

Ceremonies and religious gatherings

  • Religious gatherings and ceremonies: No in-person gatherings permitted. Broadcast permitted


  • Funerals (indoor and outdoor): Involves no more than 10 people (and those necessary to conduct the funeral)


  • Weddings (indoor and outdoor): Not permitted unless end of life or other exceptional reasons. Involves only 5 persons
    (including the two persons being married, celebrant, two witnesses)

Indoor physical recreation and sport

  • Closed

Play centres, indoor skateparks, indoor trampolining centres

  • Closed

Outdoor physical recreation & sport

  • Closed. Outdoor playgrounds remain open

Swimming pools, hydrotherapy pools, spas, saunas, steam rooms, springs

  • Closed

Community Facilities

  • Closed unless hosting an essential public support service

Creative Studios

  • Closed

Entertainment and Leisure

When an entertainment or leisure facility hosts an activity which fulfils the definition of a one-off public event, the Restricted Activity Directions allow for organisers to apply for their activity to be considered under the Public Events Framework (PEF).

  • Closed. Except professional athletes are defined as essential workers, venues hosting professional sporting competitions can open, with essential staff attending to ensure the safe running of the event. No spectators.

General retail

  • Essential retail: Open, DQ 1 per 4sqm
  • Other/general retail: Closed
  • Auction houses: Closed

Hairdressing, beauty, personal care

  • Closed


  • Closed
  • Hospitality: Open for takeaway only


  • Closed unless for permitted reasons, or shelter in place. No new bookings.

Real estate services

  • Inspections: Closed
  • Auctions: Closed. Online only, conditions apply.

Tours and transport

  • Tourism spaces: Closed
  • Tour transport: Closed

Care Facilities Visitors

  • Visitor restrictions:
    • No visitors are permitted into aged care or other residential facility settings, except for end-of-life reasons
    • Non-essential contractors are restricted from entry

Hospital Visitors

  • Visitor restrictions:
    • No visitors are permitted into health care settings, except for end-of-life reasons, as a support partner for birth, or a parent to accompany a child
    • Non-essential contractors are restricted from entry

For more information, head to



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