There are some further changes to the way Council operates and adjustments to some services and facilities.
Skate parks and playgrounds closed
All playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment and skate parks are closed due to social gathering restrictions introduced by the Federal government this week.
Signage has been installed and fences locked. Where playground equipment, outdoor gym equipment and skate parks are in open space there is signage out the front or nearest to the best access point to advise the public not to use the area.
It is important not to use the equipment and facilities to assist with reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Animal registration renewals extended
Greater Shepparton City Council is extending the deadline for animal registration renewals to 30 June 2020 instead of 10 April.
If you can’t renew online your pet will still be registered until 30 June so if your pet goes missing it can still be located and returned to you. If you can renew online please do so.
Due to the current situation, council are unable to accept new animal registrations at this time. New pet owners will need to wait until current restrictions are lifted and the Council building is open to the public to register their new pets.
Community Rangers
Community rangers are continuing to prioritise the safety of staff, customers and the community.
When Community Rangers attend properties please respect quarantine and hygiene protocols and be mindful of social distancing. The rangers may ask you to follow special procedures, such as standing well back.
Shepparton Animal Shelter
Staff are continuing to care for animals at the Shelter and assist in reuniting lost animals with their owners.
Animals for adoption are listed on the website and if you want to meet the animal you need to call the Shelter to make an appointment. No cash will be accepted, EFTPOS only.
Unfortunately donations can’t be accepted at the moment but Council appreciates you thinking of the animals. Please do not trap stray and wandering cates and kittens at this time unless they are sick or injured.
All the GVLS libraries are closed to the public but the on-line library is open. Check out the huge range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, kids stories, movies and documentaries and much more. Go to
Customer Service
Customer Service Reception/Counter is closed for face-to-face service, however Customer Service is continued to be provided via:
- Calling 5832 9700 Monday to Friday from 8:15am to 5:00pm
- Emailing via
- Submitting a request via our website
- Applications and payment of animal registration renewal payments, application payments, debtor recipient, infringements, licensing and rates payments via:
- 1300 181 767; or
- Council’s website; or
- Via BPay, Post Office or online banking
Where to get more information
For a detailed list of services and facilities please visit and click on the COVID-19 link. In addition there are several useful links to other services that can help. For the latest information visit