Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 29 April, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Draft 2020/21 Council budget out for community feedback

Greater Shepparton City Council released the 2020/2021 Draft Budget for community exhibition and feedback at a Special Council Meeting held last night.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions Council will be providing public information sessions via Zoom on Wednesday 13 May at 5.30pm and Thursday 14 May at 12.30pm, with direct feedback being able to be provided online on Council’s website.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah said “We encourage our community to view the draft budget on Council’s website and have your say on how it should be allocated. In the past, the community has contributed valuable feedback which has led to such projects as the McLennan Street Landscaping project, Shepparton off-leash dog park, lighting up of the western side of Victoria Park Lake, contribution to Shepparton Foodshare, the Tatura Museum Extension and many more.”

Download the Draft Budget 2020/2021

“As you can see, you can actually make a difference to how Council’s budget is allocated, so we encourage you to find out more detail via participating in an online Zoom information sessions or reading the information on Council’s website and then providing feedback. Staff are looking at how in-person presentations to council can be done to ensure people can explain their submission while adhering to COVID-19 social and physical distancing requirements,” said Cr Abdullah.

“It’s important to note that budget has been prepared on the assumption current COVID-19 restrictions impacting Council services will continue through to 30 September 2020. The biggest impact we have seen on the budget has come from User Fee income from areas such as Aquamoves, Riverlinks and Shepparton Sports Stadium, which have obviously been out of action under State and Federal Government restrictions,” said Cr Abdullah.

“The total assumed impact of COVID-19 on the draft budget is a net cost of $2.22m. The total operating budget is income $140.8 million and operating expense $135.3 million.

“This impact on Council’s budget means to be able to fund the response and recovery COVID-19 phases, now and into the future, maintaining Council’s income streams is as important as ever,” she said.

The State Government has set a modest rate cap increase of two (2) per cent, which for the median capital improved value of a residential property in Greater Shepparton equates to $28 per year, or 53 cents per week. “These funds will support the recovery of our community post the COVID-19 emergency as well as ensuring Council’s ongoing financial sustainability.”

The draft budget is highlighted by a Capital Works Program of $59.7m which will help generate employment, create opportunities for local businesses and contribute to the supply of good and services at a challenging time for the community.

The Capital Works projects include the new Shepparton Art Museum construction, the Maude Street Upgrade and road renewals across the municipality.

“We need to continue to invest in Tourism and Major Events, in positioning Greater Shepparton as a vibrant ‘must do’ destination, and this includes the completion and opening of the New SAM,” said Cr Abdullah. “Which will play an important part in reconnecting our community and bringing visitors to our region during recovery.”

Also included in the budget are the next stages of the Greater Shepparton Great Things Happen Here regional development strategy, with a focus on attracting and stimulating investment within the region. Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah said “projects like these are very important in contributing to the recovery process the Greater Shepparton region and economy post COVID-19.”

The 2020/21 Budget also ensures the ongoing delivery of existing services as well as the resumption of important community assets and programs such as Aquamoves, Active Living, SAM, Riverlinks, KidsTown and the Shepparton Sports Stadium

Council will continue to advocate and investigate further possible support packages in addition to the $1.5m Greater Shepparton Economic Response to COVID-19 package, as well as apply for State and Federal Government grant funding programs.

“Because of this, it is highly probable we could see changes to the budget prior to adoption and also at quarter forecast reviews,” said Cr Abdullah. “We look forward to hearing from the community with their feedback on the 2020/21 Draft Budget.”

The draft budget was released for public feedback for a period of four weeks, and submissions must be made by 5pm on Friday 29 May 2020.

Download the Draft Budget 2020/2021

Please email to register for the Zoom session.


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