Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 27 April, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Draft budget released for community feedback

Greater Shepparton Councillors released the 2018/2019 draft budget for community feedback earlier this week at a Special Council Meeting.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Kim O’Keeffe said this budget was financially responsible and put Council into a healthy and sustainable financial position.

“Council delivers more than 120 services to our community and we need to achieve a balance between those services, the community desires and the funds available, which is an ongoing challenge,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“I encourage you to take a look at the budget and make a submission; everyone’s opinion is important and it is a great way to bring your ideas to Council for consideration.”

Council is holding information sessions for people to attend to obtain a greater understanding of the budget process. These are being held on 7 and 16 May at the Council offices. Feedback will be received until 5pm, Friday 25 May.

This year the average rate rise will be 2.25 per cent. This is in line with the order by the Minister for Local Government under the Fair Go Rates System. Rates income is an important income stream that allows Council to maintain existing service levels. Council has elected not to apply to the Essential Services Commissions for a variation.

During February 2018 Greater Shepparton City Council proposed a change to the number of rating differentials for the 2018/2019 financial year. A number of community information and feedback sessions were held, combined with a mail out and online survey to inform ratepayers and capture feedback. The 2018/2019 Draft Budget has been developed on the basis of the proposed option being recommended for implementation 1 July 2018.

The total projected Capital Works program will be $49.69 million, of which highlights include:

  • New Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) ($10.03 million)
  • Cosgrove Landfill Infrastructure ($5.51 million)
  • Welsford Street Upgrade - Stage 4 construction ($3.12 million)
  • Maude Street Upgrade – High St to Ashenden St ($3.07 million)
  • Road Sealing Program Works ($1.88 million)

Residents are encouraged to have their say on the draft budget. You can do this via a number of ways:

Members of the community wanting further information on the draft budget 2018/2019 can attend budget information sessions on:

  • Monday 7 May at 3pm, or
  • Wednesday 16 May at 3pm

Both sessions will be held in the Council Boardroom at the Welsford Street office. You can also ask questions online or make an appointment with the Manager Finance and Rates by contacting Council.

Feedback will be received until 5pm, Friday 25 May.

To obtain a copy of the draft budget, click here.


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