Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 17 August, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Feedback wanted on Economic Development, Tourism and Major Events Strategy

Greater Shepparton City Council last night endorsed the draft Economic Development, Tourism and Major Events strategy and is now seeking community feedback on the strategy.

Greater Shepparton Mayor, Cr Dinny Adem said the strategy has been developed through a review of current economic conditions and extensive engagement with community stakeholders.

“The strategy outlines a strong vision for economic development, tourism and events for the next five years and is guided by seven major themes; Best Practice Economic Development, Food Hub, Training and Attracting a Capable Workforce, Re-invigoration of the CBD, Future Industries, Visitor Economy and Major Events Hub.

“Council is keen to hear what matters most to residents in relation to identifying opportunities that will lead to strengthening the local economy, assisting in building on Council’s events portfolio and boosting tourism and overnight stays within our region.”

The strategy and summary document are available on Council’s website.

CLICK HERE to have your say on the Greater Shepparton Economic Development Tourism and Major Events Strategy

Feedback will be received until 19 September.


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