Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 23 June, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Free volunteer training for Greater Shepparton organisations

Greater Shepparton City Council will join forces with Volunteering Victoria to deliver two FREE volunteer training sessions in July.

The sessions will provide local volunteer organisations with key skills and advice on offering essential services to the community.

  • Session 1: Changing Nature of Volunteering in Australia
  • Tuesday 14 July, 9.30am-1pm
  • Session 2: Effective recruitment of Volunteers and diversity
  • Tuesday 21 July, 9.30am-1pm

Session 1 will focus on how volunteering has changed in modern times, national standards, safety risks, government policy and the value of volunteers.

Session 2 will cover recruitment, barriers to recruiting volunteers, target groups and untapped opportunities that may not yet be on your radar.

Both sessions will be delivered in the current context of volunteering during COVID-19. The sessions will be held via Zoom.

“Council recognises the importance of volunteer organisations in providing essential services to the community, which is why the training will be provided free of charge,” Council Director Community Kaye Thomson said.

“Council and Volunteering Victoria realise that virtual training can be challenging, so breaks will be provided during the training.”

“We look forward to working with Volunteering Victoria to upskill the many amazing volunteer organisations we have in Greater Shepparton.”

Places are limited, with a maximum of 20 people per session and two per organisation.

Bookings are essential:

For further information phone 5832 9479 or email:


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