Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 13 April, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton residents urged to ‘Detox your Home’ from hazardous household chemicals

Greater Shepparton residents are being urged to ‘Detox your Home’ to dispose of common household chemicals without harming their health or the environment.

Greater Shepparton City Council is urging householders to take advantage of the free, easy-to-use service to safely dispose of paint, all types of household batteries and compact fluorescent lamps (CLFs) at the permanent drop-off site at Shepparton Transfer Station on Wanganui Road, Shepparton.

The facility is part of a network of permanent drop-off sites, which the Victorian Government in partnership with Sustainability Victoria is expanding from 12 sites to up to 30 sites across the state to improve access for all Victorian householders.

“The Shepparton permanent drop-off site provides householders with a safe and convenient service that can be accessed throughout the year to dispose of paint, household batteries and compact fluorescent lamps,” Greater Shepparton Mayor Councillor Dennis Patterson said.

“The dangers associated with improper disposal of paint, batteries and CFLs can’t always be seen straight away; these products can pollute the environment for future generations, as well as harm the health of you, your children and your pets”.

“Please don’t pour paint down the drain or put these products out with your regular rubbish collection,” Cr Patterson said.

“The good news is you can reduce hazards in your home and protect the environment by disposing of these products safely and easily throughout the year at the Shepparton Transfer Station’s permanent drop-off site for free.”

Permanent drop-off sites and Detox your Home mobile collections are free services for all Victorian householders, administered by Sustainability Victoria in collaboration with local councils and funded by the Victorian landfill levy.

The products collected through both services are recycled for recovery and diverted from landfill.

For more information visit, or call 1300 363 744


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