Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Saturday, 18 December, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your say on the youth public health and wellbeing plan

Greater Shepparton City Council seeks ongoing feedback, particularly from young people to help shape the municipality’s Public Health and Wellbeing Action and Implementation Plan for 2021-2025.

Following initial consultation as part of the development of the 2021 – 2025 Council Plan which includes the Public Health and Wellbeing plan, Council is partnering with VicHealth to further develop the action and implementation plans with feedback from young people.

Greater City Council Director Community, Kaye Thomson, said public health is the foundation for the growth and development of our community. This is no more important than for our young people.

“It’s more than just a life free from illness and disease, it’s our ability to access good education, work, play and connect with our community, said Ms Thomson. “We are in a unique position to create positive change in the health and wellbeing of all residents, visitors and workers, providing leadership in health promotion, coordination, planning, advocacy and the provision of services.”

“Council would like to know what health or social issues young people are most concerned about and what changes will make Greater Shepparton a liveable city now and into the future for our young people” she said. “You may also have an area of interest that you are really passionate about, so tell us about that too.”

Following the broad consultation undertaken as part stage provides several ways to have your say. There is now a section for youth on the Shaping Greater Shepp website which provide activity sheets for all ages and can be guided by teachers or parents. A quick survey provides an opportunity to put your thoughts into words, or you may prefer to have a chat to someone from Council’s Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee by phone or email.

Ms Thomson said Public Health and Wellbeing matters are guided by Council’s Public Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee comprising members of the community and organisations.

“We acknowledge that youth participation and partnerships make a real difference, in identifying solutions and achieving greater outcomes,” she said.

Public Health planning for Greater Shepparton is delivered and reported at three levels to meet statutory requirements of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and the Local Government Act 2020.

  1. Greater Shepparton Public Health Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028
    This plan takes a whole of Council approach and commitment to creating a healthy and liveable regional city.
  2. Greater Shepparton Council Plan 2021 – 2025
    The Council Plan sets out how we will work towards achieving our Community Vision over the next four years. This plan incorporates health and wellbeing as part of its design and recognises the impact the social, built, economic and natural environments have on preventing ill health and increasing wellbeing.
  3. Greater Shepparton Public Health and Wellbeing Action Plan
    Developed annually, this plan identifies key targets, actions and measures to achieve positive health and wellbeing outcomes.

Filling out the survey is anonymous. If you want to hear more about the actions or get involved you can submit your details on Shaping Greater Shepparton


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