Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 4 January, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Immortalise local heroes in our Sports Hall of Fame

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking nominations for induction into its Sports Hall of Fame.

The aim of the Greater Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame is to preserve, celebrate and showcase the history and heritage of sports excellence and achievement of Greater Shepparton residents.

Council’s Director Community Kaye Thomson encouraged nominations for the Hall of Fame.

“Greater Shepparton is well known for having a strong sporting identity, both locally and at state and national level,” Ms Thomson said.

“The Sports Hall of Fame was established to recognise the achievement of Greater Shepparton sports people who have made a significant contribution to their sport at the Australian representative level.

“The committee has already identified a number of Olympians and Commonwealth Games competitors as well as Australian sports champions and sports officials from the Greater Shepparton area who could be nominated for inclusion in the hall of fame.

“We are now inviting community members who would like to nominate a sports person or team that has been successful at a national level to do so.”

The committee is currently investigating options for what form the Sports Hall of Fame will take.

Nominees and their nominators selected for induction by Greater Shepparton City Council will be formally invited to the Greater Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony to recognise and celebrate their achievements.

CLICK HERE to nominate for the Greater Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame before Friday 27 January 2017.


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