Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 16 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Landfill results and contamination rates continue to impress

Greater Shepparton residents continue to achieve great results in sorting their waste with a low contamination rate in organic waste of just three per cent during October.

In addition, just 25 out of 838 tonnes of total waste collected were sent to landfill, a figure that continues to drop.

“During October we composted and sent back to earth a total of 813 tonnes of green waste, equating to 40,650 wheelie bins. This is the largest amount of organic material ever collected in one month, which is a fantastic result,” said Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure, Steve Bowmaker.

“As we approach the Christmas/New Year period it is easy to lose focus on what should go into each bin but we want people to keep up the good work. Residents can check Council’s website if they are unsure of what can be composted,” said Mr Bowmaker.

Mr Bowmaker thanked residents for their efforts in continuing to decrease contamination and suggested that with warmer weather approaching, residents should keep their green lid bin in a shaded, well ventilated area with the lid closed to minimize odours.

CLICK HERE for more information about your green lid bin.


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