Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 24 January, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Locals receive new bus shelter on New Dookie Road

Today Greater Shepparton City Council and VicRoads joined to celebrate the opening of a new bus shelter at New Dookie Road, Pine Lodge. The shelter was identified as a necessity by the Dookie and District Development Forum, mindful of the number of school children waiting for the bus at this location.

VicRoads and Greater Shepparton City Council partnered to bring the shelter to fruition, with VicRoads paying for the rural bus shelter and Council paying for its installation.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community Kaye Thomson is pleased to have been able to join with VicRoads to deliver this shelter and enhance the safety of our local children.

“The shelter will now provide children with a safer space to wait for the school bus, also protecting them from inclement weather. The number of children using the bus stop is due to increase this year, so it is great to see this shelter now complete and available to use for many years to come,” said Ms Thomson.

VicRoads North East Acting Regional Director Steve McCallum said VicRoads welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with Greater Shepparton City Council to improve safety and amenities for community members.

“It came to VicRoads’ attention that the Dookie and District Development Forum had been seeking assistance with this project for some time,” Mr McCallum said.

“Safety for our younger community members is paramount. This shelter will help to provide protection not only from passing traffic on a busy road, but from the weather elements as well.”


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