Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 29 November, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Mobility mapping available in Shepparton, Mooroopna, Tatura and Murchison

Greater Shepparton City Council launched mobility mapping for Shepparton, Mooroopna, Tatura and Murchison CBDs this week.

The new mobility mapping was conducted by Briometrix a company specialising in technology for people who use wheelchairs. The mapping provides accessibility information to assist residents and visitors to plan their stay and move around Greater Shepparton safely. The mapping information includes information on footpaths, toilets and change facilities, accessible car parking spaces and much more.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Kim O’Keeffe said “The new mapping will enable all residents of Greater Shepparton and visitors to get out and about and enjoy the surrounding areas much easier with this new mapping information. The mapping has been developed by users in wheelchairs and with limited abilities, so users know the information is up to date and accurate.”

“The maps have been developed to show the effort required to navigate the route. These effort maps are also useful for the elderly, and those who use mobility aides such as walking frames and mobility scooters as well as parents with prams.”

“The mapping information is also helpful for visitors coming to Greater Shepparton, with all the maps available on our website. It is hoped to have an App available soon that users can download to help plan their journey while here”.

In addition to the maps providing a guide to the effort required for wheelchair users and people with impaired mobility to move around our towns, the maps are able to be customised by the user.

Through turning various layers on or off, the user is able to access information that is relevant to them. This includes identifying the location of accessible parking bays, accessible toilets, adult changing places facilities, the visitor information centre, police station, hospitals, library, ATMs, playgrounds and the post office.

For full maps, click here.

The Mobility Maps will be officially launched at Greater Shepparton City Council’s International Day of People with Disability. Celebrations are taking place on Monday December 3 at the Shepparton Sports Stadium from 10am-2.30pm.


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