Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 27 October, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

November - December Activities in the Park Program released

The November - December edition of the Activities in the Park program has just been released, offering free and low cost activities throughout Greater Shepparton encouraging people to be outdoors and get active.

The program has been running for five years and is popular for residents and visitors giving them the opportunity to get out, be active and utilise the well-established parks, pools and outdoor spaces in their community.

Activities in the Park continues to provide free activities such as Body Balance Classes, Labyrinth Walks, Running Sessions, Tai Chi, Dancing in the Park, Playball and Kelly Sports all throughout Greater Shepparton.

Greater Shepparton City Council Acting Director Community Amanda Tingay said some of the activities in the November – December program include Days Mill Open Day, Green Hat Workshops delivering Planks and their Pop up playgrounds, Canoeing Victoria’s Paddlehub Program, African Drumming and Polyglot Theatre’s Sound of Drawing.

“I encourage residents and visitors to get a copy of the November to December program and mark some of the activities that interest them. The activities are open to everyone and there is a wide variety on offer located right across Greater Shepparton, including small towns.

“I hope to see everyone take up the opportunity and attend these activities,” said Ms Tingay.

Two additional program editions will be released in January and March 2018 for the 2017-2018 year.

For updates on the activities, residents and visitors can download the free Get Mooving App for smart phones, get a copy of the program flyer, visit the Get Mooving Greater Shepparton website or follow Get Mooving Greater Shepparton on Facebook and Instagram.



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