Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 27 January, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

LEAD FROM THE FRONT: Apply today for Community Leadership Program

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking participants to take part in its Community Leadership Program.

The program is aimed to develop community leaders within the municipality who wish to increase their leadership potential and influence within the community.

The workshops will be interactive, skill based and fun! Participants will work together to manage community based projects over the course of the program. Workshop content includes:

  • Leadership, understanding self and others
  • Leadership and team building
  • Communication skills and advocacy
  • Goal setting and creating action plans
  • Public speaking and working with the media
  • Networking and creating partnerships
  • Grant seeking and submission writing
  • Good governance
  • Managing change and resilience
  • Community engagement

Participants will be matched to a mentor who will meet with them regularly throughout the program.

Greater Shepparton Director Community Kaye Thomson encouraged people from across the municipality to apply.

“We are seeking applications from all sectors in our community; volunteers, committee representatives, anyone who is interested in gaining leadership skills for both their own benefit and the benefit of Greater Shepparton.” Ms Thomson said.

2015 program participant Tanya Blackmore said the program was great way to gain new skills and develop friendships.

“I really enjoyed being part of a dynamic positive group of people with a passion for doing great things for our community. As a group we built friendships based on our common goals and supported each other through the highs and lows in our projects to stay motivated, positive and focused,” Ms Blackmore said.

“Our facilitators, guest speakers and mentors taught us leadership skills and gave us the tools to build on these further. I enjoyed the evolution of our project from an initial vision of anti-litter to launching a positive and vibrant artistic message to engage our community to ‘get on board’ and Love Where You Live.”

The program will commence in April and finish in November 2016. The program requires participants to commit approximately three hours for workshops, one hour for your mentor and approximately three hours for collaborative community project time per fortnight.  Most workshops will be held on Wednesday evenings however there will be two workshops held on a Sunday.

An information session will be held on Wednesday 24 February from 6.30pm at the Council office for anyone interested in finding out more information. 

Applications should be submitted by Friday 4 March. For more information, contact Council’s Neighbourhoods Department on (03) 5832 9700. Application forms are available on Council’s website


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