Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 18 July, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Seniors Festival Grants 2019

Greater Shepparton City Council approved the funding of nine projects under the Seniors Festival Grants at the July Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Victorian Seniors Festival is now in its 37th year and offers an opportunity to celebrate the contribution made by seniors to the community.

The festival is held in October each year and Council offers a small grant round to community groups and organisations to assist in providing events and activities throughout the month of October that encourage the participation of our older community.

Council Mayor Kim O’Keeffe said the grants are about supporting the seniors who make a significant contribution in Greater Shepparton every day.

“The theme for this year’s festival is ‘Get into it’, and we have many seniors in our region who don’t let their age stop them from getting into it every day,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“The festival is targeted at people aged 60 years or older, which accounts for more than 23 per cent of our population here in Greater Shepparton.

“We thank all the community groups and clubs who nominated for a grant and congratulate those that were successful, we are proud to be able to offer some financial assistance.”

To read more about Greater Shepparton City Council’s Seniors Festival Grants, visit:

Organisation  Project  Allocation

Friends of the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton

Bus Trip to Botanic Gardens for community members who are physically unable to walk around the gardens


Goulburn Valley University of the Third Age (U3A)

A course with speakers giving inspirational talks regarding the art and practice of growing old and on the benefits of keeping active (mentally and physically)


Murchison and District Neighbourhood house

A day trip to a selected location to Shepparton $550.00
Lions Club Toolamba A social afternoon with entertainment, friendship and food $500.00
Shepparton Brass and Wind

Brass band entertainment, singalong and dancing

Shepparton Italian Social Club

Dinner and entertainment a celebration of life well lived

Shepparton Seniors Citizens Club

Lunch and entertainment, singalong and dancing


Tatura Community House

Annual trivia afternoon with afternoon tea and prizes $473.00
Tatura Community House Auspicing Tatura Garden Club

Afternoon tea connecting to plants and share the love of gardening



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