The most significant remaining task is the placement of 100mm thick asphalt at each of the sites to raise the intersection and the crossings. These works will be completed on Thursday 20, Friday 21, Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2019.
After consultation with available business operators, two staging options for undertaking these works were presented, with the majority preferring for Council to complete the asphalting as follows:
- Close off the north side of Fryers Street between Corio and Maude Street and asphalt the north half of the two pedestrian crossings on Thursday 20 June 2019.
- Close off the south side of Fryers Street between Corio and Maude Street and asphalt the south half of the two pedestrian crossings on Friday 21 June 2019.
- Close off all of the Maude Street intersection and asphalt both north and south sides in one operation on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2019.
Once the asphalting is complete line marking, signage, bollards and other minor works will be completed.
Council appreciates your patience while these works are undertaken, and advise drivers and pedestrians to please follow the signage.