Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 16 September, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Shepparton East Drainage Scheme

Greater Shepparton City Council decided at last night’s council meeting to continue with the Shepparton East Drainage scheme. Council heard submissions relating to the Shepparton East Drainage Scheme on 4 August this year.

Council received 11 written submissions and two residents asked to be heard at the council meeting in August. Only 14.3% of 77 rateable properties provided submissions in relation to the proposed scheme.

Council voted on 21 April, 2015 to give notice of its intention to declare a special charge in relation to the Shepparton East Drainage Scheme.

 The Shepparton East Drainage Special Charge Scheme aims to provide better drainage for commercial, industrial and residential properties in the catchment east of Doyles Road, north and south of Benalla Road, allowing landowners to develop their land to its full potential.

The project will provide new underground drainage, enlarge Council’s existing retardation basin and improve water quality treatment in the basin. A new pump station to discharge water to an adjacent Goulburn Murray Water drain will be installed.

The total estimated cost for the works is $3.7 million; however, Council has contributed $707,585 towards the project for works already completed and will contribute a further $732,020. VicRoads will contribute $750,000 with another $20,000 from Goulburn Murray Water reducing the contribution required from property owners to $1.56 million. (All figures are excluding GST)

It is intended that the Special Charge Scheme will be levied on the estimated amount of $1.56 million shared among a number of land owners’ payable as either a lump sum or via quarterly instalments over 10 years. Payments for the scheme will be based on the relative drainage benefits each property receives from the upgrades. This is based on a number of factors including the size of the property, its development potential and the amount of drainage required.

“Council has listened and taken into consideration the feedback of local Shepparton East residents about the proposed scheme. After last night’s Council meeting it was decided to proceed with the scheme. Council will now take the next steps to proceed with the scheme including notifying residents” said Mayor Dennis Patterson.


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