Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 22 February, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Shepparton North to get new Structure Plan to guide future development

Over the past decade there has been significant growth in the population of Shepparton North and Greater Shepparton City Council is now preparing a Structure Plan to guide the future development of the area.

The Shepparton North Activity Centre (SNAC) was identified in the Commercial Activity Centres Strategy, November 2015 (CACS) as a sub-regional activity centre - the same status as Riverside Plaza and the Mooroopna CBD in the retail hierarchy of the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme (Planning Scheme).

The SNAC comprises land between Ford Road and Hawkins Street on the eastern side of the Goulburn Valley Highway (Numurkah Road). It services a large catchment in Shepparton North as well as a broader area stretching as far north as southern New South Wales. The Planning Scheme considered that further expansion and concentration of retail and commercial facilities may be required in the future to serve the growing population of Shepparton North. With this in mind, a Structure Plan is required to help guide the Shepparton North Activity Centre (SNAC).

The Structure Plan will guide the future development of the SNAC for predominantly retail and commercial purposes, while ensuring that it provides appropriate connections to surrounding commercial, recreational and residential areas in the wider Shepparton North area. Although the boundary will be defined through the structure planning process, the Structure Plan will encompass all commercial land on both sides of the Goulburn Valley Highway (Numurkah Road) between Ford/Wanganui Roads and Pine Road, residential interface areas, including the recently constructed ‘The Vines’ residential estate, the Shepparton Sports City, and the Shepparton Sports and Events Centre.

To properly inform the future development of this important area, Council has engaged Mesh Liveable Urban Communities Pty Ltd (Mesh) to prepare a Structure Plan for the SNAC to guide its future development. The Structure Plan will consider the implications and opportunities for Shepparton North in terms of development (e.g. industrial, commercial and residential uses), movement and access and the analysis of projections for economic growth that may impact upon planning for Shepparton North.

Council is inviting the community to give feedback on the issues and opportunities facing the SNAC. Feedback received will be used to inform the preparation of an Emerging Options Paper. The Emerging Options Paper will collate all background research and any issues and opportunities raised during this pre-draft consultation phase.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said the Structure Plan would guide the long-term commercial and retail development of the Shepparton North Activity Centre to serve the growing population of Shepparton North.

“Before preparing the Structure Plan we need to map out the issues and opportunities for growth in the form of an Emerging Options Paper,” she said.

“We are encouraging all residents and business owners to get involved in the development of this exciting opportunity.”

An indicative boundary for the SNAC Structure Plan is included in the map below and this will be further refined through future community consultation processes.


More information on the Shepparton North Activity Centre can be found on Council’s website 

Community submissions can be lodged on the Shaping Greater Shepp website Shaping Greater Shepparton 

Feedback can be returned via email to or by post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632.

The closing date for feedback is 5pm on Monday, 21 March 2022.


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