Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 2 April, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Showground upgrades nearing completion

Construction work is nearing completion at the Shepparton Showgrounds with the installation of two 30 metre light poles completed today.

The poles will provide lighting for a significant area of the showgrounds making it more suitable for night time events.

Other upgrades to the main arena involved increasing and improving the grassed surfaces and improved drainage and irrigation. The arena has now been seeded and should be ready for use in September for the first outdoor events. The remainder of the Showgrounds have remained open and available for use during the works.

The improvements will allow Council’s Tourism and Events team to promote the Showgrounds to potential new major and special event organisers around the country for major music festivals, motoring events, expos, field days, circuses, celebrations and exhibitions generating potentially millions of dollars for the region.

The upgraded Multipurpose Pavilion, McIntosh Centre pavilions and the hard stand area combined with the new works provides an ideal location for events in the heart of the CBD with ample parking onsite.

The facility provides local groups with first class facilities to run community events, festivals and activities in a safe and enclosed environment.

The funding is from the current financial year’s capital works budget.


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