Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Saturday, 12 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

SPC and Woolworths sign 3 year contract on Aussie deciduous fruit

Greater Shepparton City Council is delighted on SPC Ardmona's announcement that their annual discussions with Woolworths private label deciduous fruit business have concluded positively.

As part of these discussions, SPC Ardmona has now signed a three-year contract to supply an increased volume of deciduous fruit to Woolworths for its private label 'Woolworths' brand, equating to around nine million cans of Australian deciduous fruit. The satisfactory conclusion to these discussions on the 'Woolworths' brand is wonderful news for the farmers, workers and families of the Goulburn Valley, and reflects the strong business partnership between Woolworths and SPC Ardmona.

The vast majority of the Woolworths and SPC partnership relates to SPC's iconic branded products – in addition to buying our fruit for their private label franchise, Woolworths is also a long-time retailer of our brands such as SPC, Ardmona, Goulburn Valley, Taylor’s and IXL. Woolworths stocks a range of offerings from these brands, including fruit, jam, baked beans, spaghetti, sauces and tomatoes.

SPC Ardmona and Woolworths have worked collaboratively and will continue to work together to reduce costs and improve efficiency in their supply chains. The two companies have a good and open relationship and they appreciate senior management support from Woolworths to bring our business discussions to a positive conclusion.

SPC Ardmona stated they look forward to continuing to work with Woolworths to bring value, quality and innovative Australian products to our consumers.


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