Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 30 January, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Government knockback of SPCA devastating to city

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Jenny Houlihan, has expressed extreme disappointment at the Federal Government’s decision not to fund SPCA the $25m required to transition into more innovative food products and ensure the future of SPC Ardmona in the Goulburn Valley.

"I am at a loss to understand why the government would not assist SPC Ardmona. It is distressing to think they have not taken into account that this is a whole of community issue."

"The government needs to examine each of these requests for funding on a case by case basis and look at the bigger picture. CCA was looking to upgrade facilities and the company was willing to make a $90M investment in the Shepparton plant."

"The Federal Government claims that the investment was to assist with the restructure of the organisation, which is currently underway, however they appear to have missed the point. The bid was to assist with innovation and supporting new product development."

"The Prime Minister claims the Cadbury case was different as the bid related to "tourism infrastructure", but surely an investment into developing a new innovative business model with the aim of producing new products for the Australian and international markets is just as critical. Investing in new product development will be of significant benefit to our local and national economy," said Cr Houlihan.

"The Federal Government's refusal to fund the manufacturer will have a very definite negative impact on the future of Shepparton, the fruit suppliers, the employees of the company and their families, and the many businesses that are supported directly or indirectly by SCPA," said Cr Houlihan.

"We are a very resilient community but this decision will be felt by all members of the community."

"Shepparton is now in danger of becoming a city with a much higher unemployment rate than we have now which is already 2% higher than similar regional centres. Much of this can be attributed to the lack of government investment in our region. We just don't have enough industry to absorb the workforce that will lose their jobs when the factory closes. Re-training is all very well but you need the jobs for people to move into."

"The decision suggests that the Federal government is comfortable with jobs going offshore. It is disappointing the new government is not investing in the retention and creation of employment opportunities in regional areas of Australia."

"The $25m in government funds that won't be invested in SPCA may now be required to address the potential rise in unemployment if SPCA ceases operations in the Goulburn Valley."

"We have an iconic Australian owned brand that should be retained in a market where there are less and less Australian food brands being manufactured in Australia and there is greater reliance on cheap imported brands."

"Council has worked very hard with Federal local member Dr Sharman Stone to ensure the correct picture is presented to cabinet and to have this result thrown back in our faces is absolutely devastating."


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