Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 23 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Tatura Senior Citizens redevelopment complete

Works to refurbish the Tatura Senior Citizens Centre are complete.

The works included a new hall, a new entry way and internal refurbishment works.

 Greater Shepparton City Council’s Director Community Kaye Thomson said the Senior Citizens club contributed $20,000 towards the $160,000 project.

“This refurbishment will ensure the facility has enough room for a number of user groups to operate comfortably as the users had outgrown the existing facility,” Ms Thomson said.

“I congratulate the Senior Citizens Club for their fundraising efforts and their commitment to this project and would also like to thank all users for their patience while the works were undertaken.”

Tatura Senior Citizens Group President Veronica Dowell said the group was very happy with the completed facility.

“The Tatura Seniors are absolutely thrilled with their extension and have been utilising it since day one.  We are thoroughly enjoying the freedom it allows all our seniors, especially those with assisted walking frames to be included in our activities.”


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