Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 29 January, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

The Welcome Petition comes to Shepparton

Jess Hackett will be visiting Shepparton tomorrow as part of her Welcome Petition walk from Melbourne to Canberra.

The petition is about showing our government that we are a generous and welcoming nation and we are proud of our multi-cultural heritage.

In a recent post via details were given on how Shepparton locals could add their name to the campaign:


The petition will be hand delivered by Jess to a Federal MP who will then present the petition to the House of Representatives.

For those who cannot meet her at the Ethnic Council (158 Welsford St Shepparton) on Saturday, Jess is inviting people to sign the petition by downloading from the links below.

To follow Jess's journey visit

Campaign Background

The Welcome Petition - Refugee advocate hits the road.

A secondary school teacher and refugee advocate will rely on the kindness of strangers ahead of a planned walk from Melbourne to Canberra.

Reminiscent of Michael Long’s famous Long Walk, Jessica Hackett, 33, will make the 700km journey in January next year to demonstrate people’s willingness to accept refugees.

“I’ll walk the road from Melbourne to Canberra armed with a petition to present to the Australian Government, signed by those who believe asylum seekers should be welcomed by this nation,” she said.

Recently Jessica met with rebel Liberal backbencher Russell Broadbent, who will read the petition in Parliament House. The veteran McMillan MP has been a strong advocate for the fairer treatment of asylum seekers and famously crossed the floor in 2006 to vote against a migration bill that ensured future asylum seekers who arrive by boat would be processed on Nauru, without access to Australian courts.

“Petitions are an important tool in drawing attention to issues of contention in our national capital. I look forward to Jessica’s arrival,” Mr Broadbent said.

Jessica is calling on people who believe in the petition to lend their support.

“I’m really inviting people to become empowered by collecting as many signatures as possible and getting them to Canberra. I hope people will join me and lend their skills and welcoming voice,” she said. “I need social media managers, publicity officers, event coordinators, administrators, drivers, cooks, photographers, film crew, writers, housing volunteers, graphic designers and website managers,” she said.

“Importantly too, I need people from around Australia to collect signatures on the sky blue petition. Put simply, I need anyone who wants to be a part of this.”

“While walking, I will document through film the ways in which people help me – be it food, shelter or anything else.”

Jessica believes Australia’s big-hearted community will help her reach her destination and deliver her important petition of welcome.

Further information, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Peita Collard on 0432 087 112 or Jess Hackett on 0408 513 353


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