Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 31 August, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

There's never a good excuse to dump rubbish

Greater Shepparton City Council and the RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee have noticed an increase of illegal rubbish dumping along the Goulburn River. The Committee wish to advise they are aware of the issue and disapprove of rubbish being incorrectly disposed of.

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RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee Chair Cr Dennis Patterson said “I encourage users of the grounds to take care in their actions and correctly dispose of their waste. The material in the rubbish being dumped can have detrimental impacts on the surrounding environment and can also impact on both flora and fauna.

“Due to the close proximity to the rivers, water quality issues may also arise and the dumped material can have a detrimental impact on the aesthetics of the bushland landscapes.

“The RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee wishes to advise the community that we are aware of the issue and are working with the relevant associations to resolve it,” he said.

The Committee is reviewing its Strategic Plan, including actions to reduce the problem within a five year program. The actions will include enforcement, education and seeking public support to assist in policing the issue. Council together with its partners intend to commence these actions in the near future.

If anyone wishes to report an incident of illegal rubbish dumping, please contact Parks Victoria. Fines may be issued to offenders committing the illegal practice.


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