Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 21 August, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Three Bin audit not for the faint hearted!

It’s dirty smelly work but provides invaluable information on the utilisation of our three bin kerbside waste collection service.

To assist in assessing utilisation of the kerbside waste collection service and inform decisions relating to the ongoing management of the service, an audit of our kerbside waste bins is being undertaken this month.

The audit is being undertaken on a representative sample of all three bins, the waste is manually sorted into each waste category (over 30 categories ranging from plastics, glass, organics, metals, paper, cardboard and E-waste).

As shown in the photos, the weight and volume of each waste category is recorded providing us with composition profile on each of the three bins. This then allows us to compare the current composition with historical data from audits carried out in 2007, 2010 and 2015.

This waste composition audit will assist us with informing community educational/engagement needs and programs to drive diversion from landfill along with contamination awareness programs for our organics and recyclables services.

The audit also supports and informs the Waste & Resource Recovery Management Strategy 2013 -2023 (WRRMS) and Council's focus on developing a more sustainable approach to the way waste is managed.

This includes maximising the amount of waste that is recovered as a resource and minimising the amount of waste going to landfill. The strategy also recognises the importance of balancing sustainability, with accessibility and affordability.


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