Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 11 October, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Verney Road now opened to traffic in both directions

Residents and commuters using Verney Road will be pleased to know that the road has now re-opened with Stage 3 of the works substantially complete.

Stage 3 of the project from Graham Street to Elm Terrace began in March 2017 and was opened to traffic on Tuesday 10 October. 

Stage 1 from Ford Road to Hawkins Street was completed in May 2015 and Stage 2 from Hawkins Street to Graham Street was completed in February 2017.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure/City Engineer Phil Hoare said Verney Road between Balaclava Road and Ford Road, required significant works due to the increased traffic through the area.

“The increased traffic is coming from the development of new residential estates and high schools along with the associated construction vehicles,” said Mr Hoare.

“This additional traffic had adversely affected the state of the road. Council progressively undertook extra maintenance works however the road surface continued to deteriorate. The upgrade of the road was also required to cater for future residential developments.”

“Council has reconstructed the road as well as installing an improved underground stormwater drainage system,” he said.

The project was undertaken in three stages to minimise disruption and to avoid closing the road to traffic. “We now have a road with improved safety for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians which will cater for future development north of Shepparton,” said Mr Hoare.

This project was partly funded by the Federal government under the Roads to Recovery program with the cost for Stage 3 being $2.47 million.

“We appreciate everyone’s patience during the works, we understand it caused an inconvenience to residents in the area and to those that use the road. We still have some minor finishing works to do however the road is now open to two-way traffic.”


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