Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 13 February, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor welcomes investment in SPCA

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Jenny Houlihan, is thrilled with the announcement of funding of $22m from the Victorian Government with a co-contribution by Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) of $78m.

“This securing of the long term future of SPCA is very much appreciated by this community, many of whom are reliant on the fruit processor for their livelihoods,” said Cr Houlihan. 

“The announcement recognises the importance of SPCA to the Goulburn Valley and the broader Australian economy by the Victorian Government. On a recent visit Premier Napthine reinforced the importance of the Goulburn Valley in being the Food Bowl of Victoria and Australia, and the investment is a clear indication of supporting this status.”  

“The Goulburn Valley is at the forefront of global food production and SPCA plays an integral role in contributing to national food security. The investment in SPCA is also an investment in local jobs in Greater Shepparton, and creates much needed job security for the members of our community,” said Cr Houlihan. 

“We congratulate SPCA and the community in persistently lobbying for a solution that would see SPCA continue its operations in the Goulburn Valley. Without the strong support from not only our local community but also the broader public, this solution may never have come to fruition.”

“Even with this announcement, it’s imperative that the public continue to support SPCA by purchasing their quality and nutritious products,” she said.  

“The investment creates a fantastic opportunity for SPCA in modernising and diversifying their business in being able to create new products that will be welcomed by consumers. This is an exciting time and Council will be continuing to work with SPCA in transitioning to this new era of business. We can’t wait to see the new and exciting products that will make their way onto the shelves,” said Cr Houlihan. 

“Today is a great outcome for an iconic Australian brand and for a regional Australian community. The outcome is the result of the tireless efforts of a range of stakeholders with a common goal. Together we have ensured the future of SPCA and over 2000 jobs. Once again we commend SPCA and the Victorian Government in negotiating an arrangement that support a sustainable business model that will see our iconic brand continue for the future generations of Australians.”


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