Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 5 June, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

What you need to know if you're driving to the snow

On the eve of the Long Weekend, VicRoads have issued the following advice to all road users who are planning a trip to the Alpine areas this snow season.

Weather conditions, like heavy snow, fog and ice, will have an impact on the road network and motorists should be vigilant and drive to the changed conditions.

Road users are also reminded about the following changes to speed limits on key roads in the Alpine district that have been implemented since the previous snow season:•

  •  Goulburn Valley Highway - the 100km/h speed zone has been reduced to 80 km/h on the 10 km section of the highway between Molesworth and yea.

  • Great Alpine Road, Freeburgh - the 100 km/h speed zone has been reduced to 80 km/h on a 2.7 km section of the road, starting 320 metres north of Farrington Lane.

  • Mount Buller Road, Mansfield - the 50 km/h speed zone has been extended 200 metres east from near the Highton Lane intersection, past the BP service station and entrance into the service road. The 80 km/h speed zone has been extended 370 metres east from near Greenvale Lane intersection.

Seasonal speed limit changes (only apply during the snow season):

  • Bogong High Plains Road seasonal speed limit change – various reduced speed limits apply on the road between Mount Beauty and Falls Creek

  • Great Alpine Road, Eurobin seasonal speed limit change - the 100km/h speed zone has been reduced to 80 km/h.

VicRoads reminds motorist to obey the reduced speed limit for their own safetyand the safety of other road users.

Winter and snow season road safety tips: 

  • Thoroughly check your vehicle before leaving home - tyres, battery, brakes, cooling system, engine and windscreen.
  • Your engine radiator may require anti-freeze (check with your service provider) and add anti-freeze to your windscreen washing fluid to prevent it freezing on the windscreen when driving.
  • If you drive a diesel vehicle, ensure you use fuel formulated for use in cold conditions - diesel ‘waxes’ at low temperature which blocks the fuel system and may immobilise the vehicle.
  • Carry appropriate snow chains and fit them to your vehicle if required.
  • Avoid driving in heavy rain, snow and high winds if you don’t have to.Delay your trip if you can.
  • If you do have to drive, allow plenty of time and drive carefully.
  • Leave your headlights on – not only do they help you see, they help others see you.
  • Road conditions can change extremely quickly so be aware of the road and its surroundings.
  • Allow plenty of space between you and vehicle in front of you – sometimes drivers can brake suddenly and in wet and icy conditions you will take longer to come to a stop.

More information on snow alerts and road closures can be obtained

from: VicRoads website at


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