Waste Management Strategies and Policies

This page contains information on strategies and policies regarding waste collection and recycling in Greater Shepparton.

Kerbside Landfill, Recycling and Organic Waste Collection Policy

The aim of this policy is to outline the standard kerbside collection provided to service entitled properties across the Greater Shepparton municipality.

Council is committed to reducing waste to landfill by ensuring that kerbside collection services facilitating the segregation of waste at the source are available to as many domestic residences within Council area provided it is economically feasible.

Special Medical Needs

Under Kerbside Collection Policy Section 8, Council may waive, enact or vary the requirements of the policy for a ‘Special Medical Needs’ request.

A Special Medical Need arises where a resident produces excessive waste due to increased packaging or non-hazardous wastes associated with medical treatment waste and high-dependency disability care or similar.

A residential property may apply for an upsize bin or an additional 120L bin free of charge.

The collection frequency will be per the standard kerbside service.

Enter your property address into our Bin Calendar to find your collection calendar:

When are my bins emptied? 

Provide a written evidence from your medical practitioner (i.e. doctor, nurse or registered care provider) via email to waste@shepparton.vic.gov.au.

For any questions related to the eligibility for Special Medical Needs, or to learn more, please contact Council at 03 5832 9700.

Please note that:

  • all requests are reviewed by the Resource Recovery Department on a case-by-case basis; and
  • all Special Medical Needs arrangements will be reviewed at the commencement of each financial year.

Greater Shepparton City Council is preparing for the introduction of a nappy collection service which will allow residents to dispose of nappies and adult incontinence aids separate to the red lid bin service. 

Lean more about the nappy collection service.

Kerbside collection exemption

Kerbside collection exemptions are only applicable for a residential-rated business properties such as aged care facilities, lifestyle villages and commercial properties, who have alternative arrangements for waste collection services.

Please complete the Kerbside Collections - Exemption Request Form available for download below and email it to waste@shepparton.vic.gov.au. Waste will evaluate your exemption and advise of the outcome.

If you have any queries please call 03 5832 9700 or contact

Organics services for rural properties (green lid bins)

Rural properties are now able to add a green lid bin (food and organics) service to their kerbside collection. We strongly encourage all residents to include a green bin as part of their collection service. You are welcome to contact council and add a green bin service to your collection right now! Organics services are now collected weekly.

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