Household bin collection

Council provides a kerbside waste collection service for landfill waste (red lid bin), recycling (yellow lid bin), and food and garden organics (green lid bin).
When are my bins emptied?
To find out when your bins are emptied, and which bins to put out each week, type your address below.
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What types of bins are available?
There are a range of bin types and sizes available to cater for different needs:
A new purple-lid bin for glass recycling has been introduced to households. Learn more about the glass collection bin or about the other upcoming changes to household bin collection.
Please contact Council if you would like to alter your bin size.
Please note: Fees apply to up-size your landfill bin or to cancel any non-compulsory kerbside services.
How do I place my bin out for collection?
Your landfill, recycling and green organics bins will be collected by single operator trucks fitted with a side-operating mechanical arm. The mechanical arm picks up the bin and empties the contents of the bin into the truck.
The driver operates the mechanical arm from inside the truck and cannot leave the cabin to correct the bin placement. This type of collection system has been chosen to minimise the Occupational, Health and Safety risks to the operator and also to minimise costs to residents.
You should place your bins out for collection the night before your collection day.
Tips to place your bins correctly:
- Place your bins at least half a metre apart on the kerbside. For rural residents, please place your bins one metre off the sealed road, well clear of traffic.
- Make sure the wheels are facing your property.
- If you live in a court, please take your bins to the nearest straight section of road, where they are easily accessed by the collection vehicles.
- Do not place bins behind parked vehicles.
- Do not place bins under low overhanging branches or power lines.
- Ensure that the lid of the bin is closed properly. The truck won't empty your bin if the lid isn't closed.
- Do not overload your bins. Bins can be damaged if overloaded, and present a safety risk. Bins over 100 kilograms in weight will not be collected. Please remove material prior to the next collection.
What are the bin fees and charges?
The charge for a kerbside waste collection service applies equally to all urban residential properties where the service is rendered and/or available, irrespective of whether or not the service is used.
Full details on fees and charges related to waste, recycling and green organics collection can be found on our Rating Details page.
What if my bin is lost, stolen, or damaged?
Lost and stolen bins must be reported to Council. Please contact Council to organise a replacement bin. This will be at no charge to you and in some instances a statutory declaration is required.
If your bin is damaged, contact Council on (03) 5832 9700, and we will arrange for the bin to be repaired or replaced free of charge.
I’ve moved into a new house. Do I need to order bins?
If you have moved into, or are about to move into, a new property, please contact Council to organise delivery of your kerbside bins.
Where are public litter bins found?
Public litter bins are located all around Greater Shepparton in parks, gardens and commonly used public areas. There are two types of bins: landfill (including doggie-bag bins) and recycling. These bins are to be used in the same way as your bins at home, with the red topped bin being for landfill waste and the yellow topped one for recycling.
Public litter bins are for use by the public only. Businesses must not use public place waste bins for the disposal of commercial or shopkeeper waste.
What are the changes coming to Council's kerbside collection service?
The State Government is standardising household waste and recycling services across the state. This includes the introduction of a fourth bin with a purple lid, to improve diversion of glass waste from landfill and increase resource recovery.
The proposed changes to the landfill and FOGO bin collections are based on results from an audit conducted on Greater Shepparton City Council’s bins at the beginning of 2021. Based on those results, increasing collection of the FOGO bin will help reduce the large amount of food waste ending up in the landfill bin.
For more details, please read the Changes to Kerbside Collection Service Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at the link below.