Kindergarten Central Registration

Greater Shepparton City Council coordinates the two years of kindergarten that your child is eligible to attend before starting school.

You can use Council's Central Registration process to register your child for Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten, for all Council-operated kindergarten centres, and most privately-operated centres in Greater Shepparton.

There are kindergarten centres at a variety of locations, with varying programs and management structures. Each kindergarten centre establishes their own education and care program to reflect the needs of their community. They each set their own session times and term fees.

Council’s Early Years Department administers the registration policy and guidelines on behalf of our member kindergartens.

For information about the registration process, including important dates, priority of access, and registration requirements, see the Central Registration Policy page.

All kindergarten centres welcome and encourage parents to come and visit their unique programs. We encourage you to call and make a time with the educators, to ensure they are available to discuss your questions.

Three-Year-Old Kindergarten

Three-Year-Old Kindergarten starts two years before the child starts school.

Children across Victoria can access at least five hours of a funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program each week. Hours being offered vary from 5-15 hours per week, depending on which kindergarten you choose.

Research shows that play-based learning is a powerful way to support children’s development. These benefits last into the school years and beyond.

Evidence shows that two years of kindergarten are better than one when it comes to early learning.

A quality kindergarten program will have more of an impact for children who start at age three rather than four. The benefits are even greater for children who are in vulnerable circumstances.

Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start Three-Year-Old Kindergarten. These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four years of age.

Some services ask that children start attending kindergarten only after their third birthday. This may mean children may not start attending their kindergarten program until part-way into term one.

To find out what year your child can start Three-Year-Old Kindergarten, please see these Victorian Government recommendations.

Early Start Kindergarten

Children who are eligible for the Early Start Kindergarten program are entitled to 15 hours of free kindergarten each week, for two years. To be eligible, your child must be three years of age by 30 April in the year they start kindergarten, and:

  • from a refugee or asylum seeker background, or
  • identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or
  • your family has had contact with child protection.

To find out more information on Early Start Kindergarten, visit the Victorian Government website.

Four-Year-Old Kindergarten

Four-Year-Old Kindergarten starts the year before the child starts school. Children are funded for 15 hours of kinder.

Is your child ready for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten?

Your child’s year at kindergarten is a very important step in their developmental progress and parents need to consider their child’s readiness to cope in the kindergarten setting.

Is your child:

  • keen to play with other children?
  • eager to try new things?
  • wanting to do things for themselves, such as dressing, toileting and feeding?
  • able to follow a simple instruction?
  • capable of completing a simple task?
  • ready to listen to a story?
  • looking for challenges?
  • interested in the world around them?
  • able to separate from family members?
  • indicating an understanding of sharing and turn taking, even if he/she doesn’t do this yet?
  • happy in their own company for short periods of time?
  • turning four years old by 30 April next year?

If you answer yes to any or all of these questions then now is the time to consider registering your child for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten.

You can register your child by using the Kindergarten Central Registration Form.

In Victoria, kindergarten is for children in the first two years before they start school. The Victorian State Government funds two years of kindergarten for each child (three years old and four years old). It is important that parents choose the right year for their child to attend kindergarten, as this will decide when they will start school.

Talk to the people who know your child (such as their Three-Year-Old teacher or educator) about their development and readiness for kinder. Your Maternal and Child Health Nurse will also be able to do a 3½-year-old check and advise you.

At the age of three-and-a-half to four years, children are generally demonstrating noticeable changes in their growth and development. Parents can receive feedback about their child’s growth and also their social development. A general physical assessment is completed.

A range of topics can be discussed such as immunisation, behavioural issues and parenting, diet, dental care, encouraging development through play, safety and kindergarten and school readiness. Please contact Maternal and Child Health Nurse for further information or to make a booking, on (03) 5832 9312.

The kindergarten programs are based on the needs and interests of the child and incorporate the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework/National Quality Framework. Each child’s individuality is respected and supported in their journey to have a strong sense of identity and wellbeing, connect with and contribute to the world, and to be effective communicators who are confident and involved learners. The play based program encourages your child to develop in a safe and engaging environment.

Age eligibility guide

Use the Victorian Government's "When to Start Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten" Calculator or follow the guide below:

Birth dates 3-year-old kindergarten 4-year-old kindergarten School year
1/5/2020 - 30/4/2021 2024 2025 2026
1/5/2021 - 30/4/2022 2025 2026 2027
1/5/2022 - 30/4/2023 2026 2027 2028
1/5/2023 - 30/4/2024 2027 2028 2029

Please note: Children are not required to start school until six years of age. A child’s kindergarten readiness takes into account the child’s developmental level and social readiness, as well as their age. Please speak to your Early Childhood professional or Maternal and Child Health Nurse to discuss your child's readiness.

List of kindergarten centres

Centres marked with a Kinder Tick logo icon deliver a kindergarten program that is funded and approved by the Victorian Government.

Council-operated kindergartens

Council-operated kindergartens

  • Arthur Mawson Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Colliver Road Children’s Centre Kinder Tick logo
  • Dolena Young Preschool Kinder Tick logo
  • Gowrie Park Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Isabel Pearce Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Katandra West Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Leslie Gribble Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Patricia Smith Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Rodney Neighbourhood Steiner Kindergarten  Kinder Tick logo
  • Tallygaroopna Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo

Kindergartens in a Long Day Care centre

  • Arthur Dickmann – LDC and Kinder Kinder Tick logo
  • Frank R. Pullar Children’s Centre – LDC and Kinder Kinder Tick logo
  • Nancy Vibert Children’s Centre – LDC and Kinder Kinder Tick logo
  • Mooroopna Children’s and Family Centre – LDC and Kinder  Kinder Tick logo
    Associated with a Primary School

Please contact services operating kindergarten in a long day care centre for their fee structure.

Privately-operated kindergartens

Goulburn Region Preschool Association Cluster Management

Operated from Council-owned premises with voluntary committees of management responsible for day to day operations of some of the centres.

  • Merrigum Preschool Kinder Tick logo
  • Murchison Preschool Kinder Tick logo
  • Toolamba Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo
  • Undera Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo

Kindergartens in a Long Day Care centre (privately-operated)

  • Apple Blossom Child Care Kinder Tick logo
    LDC & Kinder
  • Balaclava Road Child Care Centre Kinder Tick logo
    LDC & Kinder
  • Busy Bees Kinder Tick logo
    LDC & Kinder
  • Community Kids Shepparton Early Years Education Centre Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned LDC & Kinder
  • Good Start Early Learning Kinder Tick logo
    LDC & Kinder
  • Guthrie Street Child Care Centre Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned long day care centre
  • Inspira Kids Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned long day care centre and kindergarten
  • Kialla Children’s Centre Kinder Tick logo
    Community based committee of management, operated from Council owned premises
  • Knight Street Children’s Centre Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned long day care centre
  • Little Stars Florina Preschool Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned long day care centre and kindergarten
  • Tatura Children’s Centre Kinder Tick logo
    Community based committee of management, operated from Council owned premises
  • Wyndham Early Learning Kinder Tick logo
    Privately owned long day care centre and kindergarten

Kindergarten programs within a long day care centre, with childcare available in the same centre outside session times

Please contact services operating kindergarten in a long day care for their fee structure.

Independent Committees of Management

Responsible for all the staffing, financial and administrative management of the centre.

  • Lulla’s Children and Family Centre Kinder Tick logo
  • 54 Reasons Kindergarten (formerly Save the Children)

Primary School locations:

  • Gowrie Street Preschool Kinder Tick logo
  • St Mel’s Kindergarten Kinder Tick logo


If you are ready to register your child, click the button below:

Kindergarten Central Registration Form

Registration and enrolment process

  1. Registration
    Parents/guardians register their child using the online registration form.
  2. Allocation and Placement
    Places are allocated as per the Priority of Access guidelines. Children that are not offered a place at their preferred kindergarten centre will be contacted by phone to discuss options.

For children who are offered a place at a non-Council kindergarten centre, the centre will contact you regarding the next stage of the process.

For Council-operated kindergarten centres, please continue reading below:

  1. Letter of Offer
    A Letter of Offer will be sent via email or text message. Parents/guardians can either accept or decline their child's offer.
  2. Enrolment forms
    A link to the electronic enrolment forms will be sent via email or text message. This must be completed before the child can start kindergarten. This form collects important information such as medical conditions, emergency contacts and additional needs.
  3. Orientation Day
    Parents/guardians are invited to attend Orientation Day at their centre. All families who have accepted a place, should attend on this day. This allows children to become familiar with the environment and to meet the teacher. Parents/guardians have the opportunity to ask any questions. Orientation Day is held on the 2nd Tuesday of December.
  4. Interview Day
    Interview Day is a 1-on-1 meeting with the teacher and the parent/guardian and is held in January prior to commencement. This is an opportunity to speak with the teacher if you have any specific requirements or concerns. Families will be advised of the date and time of their interview via text message.