Bush kinder

Bush Kinder
Bush Kinder

Many of our services regularly offer a Bush Kinder program, some participate on a regular basis and others do this as a single event.

A big part of Bush Kinder is exploring the environment and for the children to learn how to take considered risks in that environment. This means that with guided support from educators, the children learn about what is safe and respectful in the environment.

For example, children quickly learn about assessing strength of branches for climbing by looking at the size of the branch and determining whether it is thick enough to support their weight and whether there is any danger underneath the branch in the landing area.

Educators take the children into the environment by themselves, often without the assistance of parents. This is so that a consistent approach is taken to the guiding of their learning and understanding about safety and respect for the environment.

There will be a day set aside for families to join the children at Bush Kinder once the children have become familiar with the environment and are confident in the space.

Children play only with what nature provides, drawing on or developing their own imagination and creativity. Outdoor spaces with plants, trees, rocks, mud and water invite open ended interactions, spontaneity, risk taking and a connection with nature.