Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass and Shared Pathway Linkages

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22 May 2019, Council considered the:
- Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Concept Plan October 2018 and the Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Alternative Concept Plan March 2019;
- Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Concept Plan October 2018; and
- the Conversation Report March 2019 that summarised the consultation process on both projects.
Council also noted that, if the project is funded and progressed by the appropriate rail authority, the design of the overpass would be subject to change and that the Council will continue to work collaboratively with the State Government to achieve the level of pedestrian connectivity required to serve the future role and function of the Railway Station.
Council also reiterated its ultimate aspiration to see the construction of a new Railway Station in preparation for the nine VLocity trains that will ultimately service Shepparton in the near future.
The Shepparton Railway Precinct Master Plan (Master Plan) was adopted by Council in June 2017. The Master Plan conceptualises and itemises the potential redevelopment of the Shepparton Railway Precinct to provide an attractive and practical gateway into Shepparton. The redevelopment of the Shepparton Railway Precinct is one of the three major infrastructure projects that make up the Shepparton CBD Revitalisation Project.
A key short-term objective of the Master Plan is to improve accessibility and connectivity to the Shepparton Railway Station for pedestrians and cyclists. Two of the actions specified to achieve the objective are:
- construction of a pedestrian overpass connecting the existing railway station to the Shepparton Central Business District (CBD); and
- implementation of shared walking and cycling pathways linking the station with the Maude Street Mall and the site of the new Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) at Victoria Park Lake.
Council initiated these projects by commissioning Arcadis Pty Ltd and Liesl Malan Landscape Architects Pty Ltd to create the Draft Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Concept Plan October 2018 and the Draft Shepparton Railway Station Shared Pathway Linkages Concept Plans June 2018.
Community engagement and consultation process
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 December 2018, Council authorised for exhibition the Draft Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Concept Plan October 2018 and the Draft Shepparton Railway Station Shared Pathway Linkages Concept Plans June 2018 with consultation extending from 7 January to 18 February 2019.
The concept plans were uploaded to a dedicated page on the Council’s external website, and made available in hard copy in the foyer of the Council offices in Welsford Street.
Submissions were invited via an online submission form, by email and by post.
- A total of 598 letters were sent to land owners and occupiers of properties adjacent to the Railway Station and the prospective routes of the shared path linkages on 2 January 2019, offering the opportunity to submit their comments.
- Printed flyers advertising the submission process were distributed to Shepparton Railway Station and the Visitor Information Centre in Nixon Street, and placed in the foyer of the main Council office.
- A media release was issued on 29 January 2019 to remind the public that feedback was invited.
To obtain additional clarity and address respondents’ concerns, Council officers arranged one-on-one meetings with submitters to discuss the project. Meetings were held with twenty parties over the four week period to 1 March 2019.
The Railway Overpass and Shared Paths - Conversation Report is available for download below summarising the consultation process and these conversations.
This report details the community engagement and consultation process and includes common feedback received and Council officers’ response.
March 2019. This report details the community engagement and consultation process and includes common feedback received and Council's response.
Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass
Construction of an overpass would provide a foundation for implementation of the other strategic directives contained in the Master Plan, including enhancing amenity for public transport users, and promoting mixed-use development of the area. Council has worked with Arcadis Pty Ltd, MGS Architects Pty Ltd, and representatives from Transport for Victoria, V/Line, VicTrack and Public Transport Victoria to combine operational and safety requirements with a bright, distinctive design that suggests the movement of fruit along a conveyor belt.
To comply with the various requirements of the State government rail authorities, the construction cost was estimated at approximately $18.8m.
Arising from extensive community consultation, Council officers engaged Arcadis Pty Ltd to prepare an alternative concept plan for the overpass to take into account the concerns expressed from consultation submissions. The alternative plan reduced the estimated cost to $17.3m.
As per the Council resolution, the alternative plan (the Shepparton Railway Station Pedestrian Overpass Alternative Concept Plan March 2019) will be used for advocacy purposes with the appropriate rail authorities, while Council officers will continue to work collaboratively with the State Government to improve access and connectivity between the railway station and other parts of the CBD.
Shepparton Railway Station Shared Pathway Linkages
The implementation of shared pathway linkages will contribute to the ease of wayfinding between key destinations for residents and visitors, as well as improving the user-experience of public transport. Liesl Malan Landscape Architects Pty Ltd has crafted streetscaping designs to connect the station with the CBD via High Street, and with Victoria Park Lake and the new SAM via Purcell Street, Baker Street and Hayes Street. Comfort and visual amenity are provided with shade trees and garden plantings, street furniture, lighting, and wayfinding, as well as functional upgrades to drainage, crossings, kerbs and car parking.
The construction cost for the shared pathways has been estimated at approximately $4,748,300, which is expected to be met, in part or full, by Council. Council may also seek a contribution to the delivery of this project by the State government.
Next steps
Council officers will continue to work collaboratively with State Government agencies to ensure that appropriate cyclist and pedestrian linkages between the station and key destinations throughout the CBD are realised to ensure that the railway station is fit-for-purpose to take advantage of the significant investment already committed and expected to be made to increase the number of rail services between Shepparton and Melbourne.
Frequently asked questions
Why is this work being done?
The need for improved access to the Shepparton Railway Station was identified in the both the Shepparton Railway Precinct Master Plan 2017 and the Shepparton CBD Strategy 2008.
The overpass is expected to enhance amenity and connectivity for public transport users and residents, improve Shepparton’s appearance to visitors, and promote mixed-use development of the area.
The shared pathway linkages will similarly enhance amenity and connectivity to key sites in Shepparton. By separating cyclists and pedestrians from cars, the paths will increase the safety of these users, encouraging more active transport choices, and long-term health and wellbeing benefits to the community.
The Concept Plans will provide a basis for Council to advocate for support and funding to develop the projects further.
Why is the overpass located here?
Several alignment options for the overpass were considered as part of the design process. The positioning represented in the Concept Plans was determined to provide the best outcomes in terms of safety, accessibility, cost, and land use, in both current and projected circumstances.
How will these projects be funded?
The Railway Pedestrian Overpass and Shared Pathway Linkages have not yet received funding.
Council will be advocating for allocation of funding by the State Government to implement the Overpass project.
Funding for the Shared Pathway Linkages may be met in part or full by Council, though this will be determined by a future Council resolution following consideration of public feedback. Council may also seek a contribution to the delivery of this project by the State government.
Which agencies are involved?
Representatives from Regional Projects Victoria, Transport for Victoria, V/Line, VicTrack and Public Transport Victoria have contributed to the development of the Concept Plans. This has ensured that all of the various requirements for safety and the efficient functioning of the rail network have been considered in the design process.
How will the projects be delivered?
The Concept Plans outline options that have been determined to satisfy broad technical and aesthetic requirements. Both designs will be subject to further detailed design processes following the allocation of funding, to comply with the regulations of relevant State Government bodies, such as V/Line.
Related documents and downloads
October 2018
March 2019
For more information
For further enquiries, please contact the Building and Planning Department on 03 5832 9730, by e-mail at, or by post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632.