Congupna Framework Plan
Council is working to develop the Congupna Framework Plan, to guide future residential development in the area over the next thirty years.

Congupna was identified as a Township which has the capacity to grow and offer a rural lifestyle alternative in the Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011.
Council has appointed SPIIRE Australia Pty Ltd to prepare the Congupna Framework Plan. The project draws on previous work undertaken by Council and the community for the Greater Shepparton Townships Plan Review 2019, the Congupna Community Plan 2013 and the Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011.
The objectives of the Plan project are to cater for:
- the sustainable expansion of the township of Congupna while ensuring accessibility by pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and motorists;
- appropriate densities for residential development for land in the Congupna settlement boundary within a 30 year timeframe (until 2050);
- effective pedestrian and cyclists linkages and high level recommendations on infrastructure required to accommodate it;
- consideration of the impact of the possible provision of reticulated services to the township of Congupna;
- create a coherent residential expansion framework for Congupna that does not negatively impact upon the existing township character of the area;
- identify suitable locations for the provision of dedicated public open space and sites capable of hosting drainage and/or stormwater infrastructure;
- high level comments on the development opportunities and constraints afforded by the future Goulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Bypass and what other upgrades to the local and arterial road network would be required;
- identify significant stands of native vegetation within the study area and include measures for their protection; and
- possible contribution of new development to infrastructure upgrades.
The perspectives and experiences of the community are an important component of the Framework Plan, to guide its vision to 2050.
Council undertook consultation with the community and relevant authorities in September and October 2019 via an online survey, individual meetings and a drop-in session held at the Congupna Community Hall. The responses received will be outlined in a Conversation Report which will be released with the completed Plan.
Spiire and Council are working to resolve issues that arose from the consultation feedback and to finalise the Framework Plan. The Draft Consultation exhibition on the Framework Plan is expected to be considered by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting in the coming months.
For more information, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Team on (03) 5832 9730.