Waterbird Creek Precinct

Greater Shepparton City Council (Council) is preparing a structure plan for the Waterbird Creek Precinct.
The Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011 (GSHS) guides the long term identification and provision of residential land within Greater Shepparton. The implementation of the GSHS included framework plans and identified Residential Investigation Areas in the Planning Scheme to guide future residential development, subject to further investigations. In the GSHS, land to the north of Waterbird Creek was identified for Low Density residential purposes, subject to the preparation of all necessary background reports, and land to the south of the creek was identified for Rural Living purposes. Undeveloped parcels to the north and south of Waterbird Creek are currently zoned Rural Living Zone with a minimum subdivision size of 8 hectares.
With the development of the Kialla Lakes residential estate to the north, Council is reviewing the identification of the land in the GSHS for Low Density residential purposes. Council now intends to prepare a structure plan, which would apply to approximately 93 hectares of land is bounded by the Goulburn Valley Highway to the West, Archer Road to the East and River Road to the south.
The structure plan will guide the future development of the land on both sides of Waterbird Creek for residential purposes.
Next Steps
Council is currently progressing and/or progressed several background assessments to inform the preparation of a structure plan for the Waterbird Creek Precinct including:
- An Ecological Assessment – Council has engaged Ecological and Heritage Partners Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The assessment will identify the extent and type of native vegetation present within the study area. A final draft has been received by Council.
- A Bushfire Impact Assessment – Council has engaged Practical Ecology Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The Bushfire Impact Assessment will identify any bushfire risks and provide a list of recommendations based on the determined bushfire risk. A final draft has been received by Council.
- An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage impact Assessment (ACHIA) – Council has engaged Jo Bell Heritage Services Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The ACHIA will investigate whether any sites are considered to be of high Aboriginal cultural heritage value and ensure they are protected. A final draft has been received by Council.
- A Soil Contamination Assessment Report – Council has engaged SMEC Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The Soil Contamination Assessment Report will provide recommendations on the suitability of sensitive land uses (e.g. residential development) within the Waterbird Creek Precinct and outline if any further detailed soil contamination assessments are required. A final draft has been received by Council.
- A Model of Flood Behaviour – Council has engaged Water Technology Pty Ltd to prepare an updated model of flood behaviour. The update will use the latest hydraulic model calibration data from the Shepparton Mooroopna 1% AEP Flood Mapping Project 2021, which has recently included a climate change component. This work will inform the preparation of all other work. A final draft was received by Council.
- An Airport Environs Assessment – Council has engaged Pitt & Sherry Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The Airport Environs Assessment will investigate the impacts from the Shepparton Aerodrome on any future residential development within the Precinct.
- A structure plan – Council has engaged Mesh Planning Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The structure plan layout will unite the findings and recommendations of all background reports, and provide information on appropriate densities for future residential development, identify all appropriate regional traffic, stormwater drainage and open space infrastructure required to support any future residential development.
- An Amenities Impact Assessment – Council has engaged GHD Pty Ltd to undertake this work. The Amenities will provide a preliminary assessment of sources of adverse amenity impacts including dust, odour and air emissions against relevant regulations, including agricultural, industrial and transport uses.
Following the completion of all background documents, a planning scheme amendment will be prepared to implement the structure plan in the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme before any rezoning of the land can be considered for future residential purposes. Further consultation will occur as part of this amendment.
Indicative timelines for development
- 2011 Amendment C93 approved and gazetted by the Minister for Planning
- 2021 to late-2022 Council undertaking preliminary design work
- Late-2023 Preparation of a Structure Plan
- Mid-2023 Planning Scheme Amendment to apply the Structure Plan to the land in the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme