Kialla North Growth Corridor (former Investigation Area 3)

Greater Shepparton City Council (Council) has commenced design and investigation work for a future strategic residential growth corridor on land formerly identified as Investigation Area 3 in Kialla.
The Greater Shepparton Housing Strategy 2011 (GSHS) was prepared to guide the long term identification and provision of residential land within the City of Greater Shepparton. The GSHS was implemented into the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme (Planning Scheme) in 2012 via Amendment C93. Amendment C93 included framework plans for all future residential land in the Planning Scheme. It also identified six residential Investigation Areas, including Investigation Area 3, which may accommodate future residential development after further strategic planning investigations have taken place that better understand the ability of the land to be developed for residential purposes. Flooding was identified as the major issue that needed to be resolved in a future investigation study.
Council undertook an investigation into the suitability of the land to accommodate residential uses in 2015. As part of this process, Council engaged Water Technology Pty Ltd to prepare a model of flood behaviour and conceptual masterplan for the land. The Model of Flood Behaviour and Conceptual Master Plan Report was noted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 19 July 2016.
Amendment C195 to the Planning Scheme implemented the intent of the Conceptual Master Plan and recommended that the land could accommodate low density and conventional residential development.
The Shepparton and Mooroopna 2050: Regional City Growth Plan identified the Kialla North Growth Corridor (KNGC) as a short-term strategic residential growth corridor. Council has allocated sufficient budget to prepare all background assessments to inform the preparation of a precinct structure plan (PSP) and development contributions plan (DCP) for the KNGC.
Next steps
Council is currently progressing / has progressed several background assessments to inform the PSP and DCP for the KNGC.
Completed background reports:
- Ecological Assessment – Council engaged Ecology and Heritage Partners Pty Ltd to undertake this work which identifies the extent and type of native vegetation present within the study area. A final report has been completed.
- Bushfire Impact Assessment – Council engaged Practical Ecology Pty Ltd to undertake this work and a final Report was completed in early-2022. The Bushfire Impact Assessment identifies any bushfire risks and provide a list of recommendations based on the determined bushfire risk.
- Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (ACHIA) – Council engaged Jo Bell Heritage Services Pty Ltd to prepare an ACHIA which was completed in mid-2022. The ACHIA will investigate whether any sites are considered to be of high Aboriginal cultural heritage value and ensure they are protected.
- Soil Contamination Assessment Report – Council engaged WSP Australia Pty Ltd. A final Soil Contamination Assessment Report has been received and provides recommendations on the suitability of sensitive land uses (e.g. residential development) within the KNGC and outline if any further detailed soil contamination assessments are required.
- Community Infrastructure Needs Assessment (CINA) – Council engaged ASR Research Pty Ltd to prepare a CINA for the whole of Kialla. The CINA assesses existing community facilities and their capacity to meet the future community’s needs, and identify any future infrastructure requirements (e.g. maternal child and healthcare centre, sporting facilities, etc.). The findings of the CINA will inform the community facilities required to support the future Kialla North community, future growth corridors in Kialla and existing residents. The CINA was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 April 2023.
Background reports in progress:
- Traffic Impact Assessment Report (TIAR) – Council has engaged Stantec Pty Ltd to prepare the TIAR. The TIAR will identify the transport infrastructure required to support the KNGC, investigate the scale and nature of this infrastructure or any required upgrades, and, critically, the cost of this infrastructure. A draft TIAR has been completed, with a final TIAR including full functional traffic designs and costings, is expected to be received by mid-2023.
- Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) – Council has engaged Alluvium Consulting Pty Ltd to prepare the IWMP. The IWMP will investigate the management of flood risks, stormwater quality impacts on the local waterways, and the quantum and cost of and stormwater drainage infrastructure required to service the future community. A draft IWMP has been completed, with a final IWMP with full functional designs expected to be received by mid-2023.
- Open Space and Landscaping Strategy (OSLS) – Council has engaged Hansen Partnership Pty Ltd to prepare an OSLS. The OSLS will provide a framework for the planning, development and management of open space to ensure the future community’s needs are met. The OSLS will identify a comprehensive open space network to service the future community.
- Utilities Servicing Assessment – Council has engaged GHD Pty Ltd to prepare a Utilities Servicing Assessment. The utilities servicing assessment will investigate the servicing requirements (e.g. sewer, water, gas, etc.) required to facilitate the future community’s needs. A draft report has been received, with a final report expected in early 2023.
- An updated Model of Flood Behaviour – Council has engaged Water Technology Pty Ltd to prepare an updated model of flood behaviour. The update will use the latest hydraulic model calibration data from the Shepparton Mooroopna 1% AEP Flood Mapping Project 2021, which has recently included a climate change component. This work will inform the preparation of the IWMP for the KNGC currently being prepared by Alluvium Consulting Pty Ltd
The PSP will guide the future development of all land in the KNGC. The DCP will identify and cost the quantum of infrastructure required to support the future development of the land, and ensure that it is equitably shared by all parcels of land identified for development.
Following the completion of all background documents, a planning scheme amendment will be prepared to implement the PSP and DCP in the Planning Scheme before the land can be developed for residential purposes. Further consultation will occur as part of this amendment.
Indicative timelines for development
- 2011Amendment C93 approved and gazetted by the Minister for Planning
- 2016 Model of Flood Behaviour and Conceptual Master Plan
- August 2017 Amendment C195 approved and gazetted by the Minister for Planning, which implemented the Model of Flood Behaviour and Conceptual Master Plan and rezoned the KNGC to the Urban Growth Zone (Part A).
- 2020 to mid-2023 Council undertaking preliminary design work
- Mid-2023 to late-2023 Preparation of a PSP and DCP
- 2024 to 2025 Planning Scheme Amendment to incorporate the DCP and PSP in the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme