Additional Tools and Information

The Greater Shepparton Municipal Emergency Management Plan addresses the prevention of, response to and recovery from emergencies within Greater Shepparton.
Current Alerts
- Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)
Current emergency information, including Country Fire Authority (CFA). - Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
Current emergency information. - VicRoads
Live traffic conditions including closures and alerts. - Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP)
The Greater Shepparton MEMP has been produced pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Emergency Management Act 1986 and Emergency Management Act 2013. The MEMP is the result of the co-operative efforts of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee.
The broad objectives of this Plan are to:
- implement measures to prevent or reduce the causes or effects of emergencies;
- manage arrangements for the utilisation and implementation of municipal resources in response to emergencies;
- manage support that may be provided to or from adjoining municipalities; and
- assist the affected community to recover following an emergency
Complement the local, regional and state planning arrangements.
Version 12, approved August 2024
Australian Red Cross
The Australian Red Cross offers a range of valuable resources designed to help people to better prepare, respond to and recover from emergencies.
Resources are available for households, seniors, people with disabilities, parents of young children, psychosocial preparedness and coping with anniversaries.