Toolamba and District Community Plan

The Toolamba and district is the little town with a big heart that is supported by a variety of community based organisations and committees such as Lions, Fishing Club, CFA and recreation reserve.
Toolamba and Old Toolamba are surrounded by a rich agricultural landscape bordered by the Goulburn River and the Shepparton Regional Park.
Toolamba is home to a pub, primary and preschool, community garden and playground, as well as a recreation reserve that hosts an oval, community centre and tennis courts.
Across Toolamba and Old Toolamba, there are several community organisations and associations that have been established who provide community service and support for the area.
In 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded the population of Toolamba and Old Toolamba (including surrounding farmland) as 822 people, 226 families and 314 private dwellings.
The Toolamba District encompasses several important heritage sites that contribute to the local character.
Toolamba Community Hub website
The Toolamba and District Community Plan was received and noted by Council in April 2023.
Some of Toolamba and District’s achievements include:
- New carpark at Toolamba Primary School/Community Centre;
- Fencing at the CFA;
- Welcome pack for new residents;
- Design and Installation of the Toolamba Heritage sign;
- Installation of public toilets at Colaura Gardens;
- Design and installation of community playground at Colaura Gardens;
- Installation of park furniture at Colaura Gardens;
- Acquisition of a portable PA and sound system for community use;
- Installation of doggy bag bins;
- Installation of water fountain at Colaura Gardens;
- Assisted with feasibility study for walking tracks between Toolamba, Old Toolamba and other towns;
- Additional footpaths;
- Implementation of school crossing on Wren Street;
- 40kmh speed signs along Bridge Road and Wren Street;
- No parking signage at school entry;
- Initial design work for kerb, guttering and drainage;
- Creation of Friends of Daunts Bend volunteer group;
- Design and installation of “What’s happening in our community” town sign;
- Advocating for extensive community engagement in relation to residential housing development;
- Treescaping on Wren Street, Wheelhouse Street and Riordan Court;
- Advocacy support for Toolamba Tennis Club redevelopment of courts;
- Advocacy for public transport;
- Advocacy for services and utilities;
- Creation of a community website;
- Creation of a community newsletter.
Toolamba and District’s priorities:
- The Toolamba & District Community Plan 2023-2027 outlines in detail the priorities of the Toolamba and District Community.
Includes Action Plan
Get involved
The Toolamba and District Community Planning Steering Committee would love to hear from any community members happy to be involved in the Toolamba and District’s Community Plan.
- Keith Bryant
Chairperson of the Toolamba and District Community Plan Committee
Phone: 0428 265 499 - Greater Shepparton Community Plan Liaison (Toolamba):
Phone: 03 5832 9700