Public Toilet Strategy

The Greater Shepparton Public Toilet Strategy was adopted by Council at the June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. This strategic report provides an overview of public toilet facilities in the Shepparton region. It has been developed to guide the provision of universally accessible public toilet facilities and associated infrastructure for the next ten years.
Public toilets play a critical role in urban design and town planning. As outlined in GSCCs Municipal Public Health Plan, physical infrastructure, including public toilets “is critical to the connectedness of a community”. Public toilets are more than just a piece of utilitarian infrastructure. They are proven to improve local amenity and increase participation in social, recreational and commercial activity. Their availability enables many people to have a more active, social and rewarding life.
In the past, toilets were designed to be out of public view. It is now recognised that these facilities should be located where they can easily be seen and accessed.
The scope of this strategy includes the 38 external public toilet facilities owned by GSCC. The majority of public toilets are maintained by GSCC staff. Vandalism of toilets is also a significant issue in the Shepparton region. High levels of vandalism and have increased the building maintenance required for most sites.
You can learn more by downloading the Public Toilet Strategy 2020 from the link below.